Monday, August 31, 2009

County Hall's 1,761 Employees Making Over $100,000. By Geniusofdespair

Daniel Roth Shoer's column in the Miami Herald said activist Lazaro Gonzalez found in public records that 1,761 county employees make over $100,000 which translates to $176,100,000. Wow! And, they get a pension which costs us even more.

Lazaro has a petition to recall the Mayor. I believe that is a waste of time and money. There should be a better petition drive that would give us more bang for our buck. The Mayor's term is winding a better one Mr. Gonzalez, one that will give us more lasting relief. Thanks Lazaro Gonzalez for being a citizen that will take action, however, please rethink the remedy because the Mayor isn't responsible for all those bloated salaries or the 2,600 cars that go home every night with employees.


Anonymous said...

And everyone thought the City was bad.

Anonymous said...

They are BOTH bad!

Anonymous said...

Are they taking applications?

Anonymous said...

The Mayor's term is winding down?? I am sorry, but, that is just wrong. He is still in the first year of a 4 year term, meaning that from this November, he will have 3 years.. It is not winding down, it just started.. I don't know about you, but, if given a chance, I am sure there are folks more capable than this Mayor, I want to start improving this County today, not in 2012 if we can help it!!

Anonymous said...

The last post must be from Joe Martinez's office.

Geniusofdespair said...

It is winding down for me...

Anonymous said...

How about a petition to repeal the strong Mayor? Leave him there as a "lame duck"!


Anonymous said...

Yeah guys, recall the mayor, and then, before you can hold an election to replace him, the County Manager will be in charge.

Geniusofdespair said...

He already is a lame duck. And worse, last poster, the Commissioners will have no one to veto them.

youbetcha' said...

The county manager is already in charge. And he is untouchable.

swampthing said...

And the point is.....? Say you live in moral gables: aging parents, remittance to havana, private school for 3 kids, property taxes, 3 leased cars, publix n whole foods for the mrs, new i-phones n stuff, lunch w 'secretary' on brickell, and so on n so forth.
How's a guy w a phd supposed to get along here!

Miami's #1 industry? selling luxury... particularly to locals.

Geniusofdespair said...

Are you telling us you have a Ph.D.?

Anonymous said...

Who would be in charge? Burgess or Mayor Helen? How would that work, exactly?

Anonymous said...

Alvarez should be indicted.

proud mother said...

that number is a severe under count. there are thousands more employees making over $100,000 at the county. the list with 1,761 names is probably just the base salary list. it doesnt include the many supplements employees receive in addition to their base salaries. the pay supplements are numerous and could be for a license, shift differential, etc. a bigger list would be the adjusted salary list including all supplements. but even the adjusted salary list only shows what the employees are scheduled to receive. it does not show the actual pay received, including overtime and bonuses. the hundreds of police officers, fire fighters and bus operators who make over $100,000 will not show up on the base salary and adjusted salary lists. that's why you need the actual payroll records.

Anonymous said...

City of Miami has Fire union members making $300,000 per year. Many cost the taxpayers more than $200,000 per year. Miami will go to an oversight board again under the crushing burden of the one sided Fire union contract.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the fascination with the $100,000 number. It's like that's a huge figure or something. Government union employees shouldn't be able to earn a decent living? Only the executives should be allowed to make all the money?

Geniusofdespair said...

Because the average salary in Florida is $45,624 and in Miami Dade County it is $56,180. That is well below the $100,000 figure. So it is a big deal to most people.