Tuesday, August 11, 2009

City of Miami Mayor's Race: whose election? by gimleteye

Regalado v. Sanchez. The Herald reports that the real estate industry is behind Tomas Regalado's mayoral bid. But hold on: aren't Joe Sanchez' core supporters, of the Florida Marlins, real estate speculators, too? After all, their deal lets them flip the team and its property once the stadium is built and pocket the added value of the taxpayer-backed deal. That could mean hundreds of millions to the Marlins. Sanchez and his allies on the city commission did almost as well for the Marlins as the Miami Dade county commission did for Ralph Sanchez at the Homestead Motor Race Track. Now Sanchez is a Coral Gables real estate developer after flipping the race track. Who recalls the details of that deal? Is the main difference between the two, that Regalado is not Manny Diaz? Citizen activists seem drawn to the Regalado campaign because the Diaz stand-in is his opponent; Joe Sanchez. If Regalado were the people's choice, he would return the money raised by Lucia Dougherty and Greenberg Traurig related entities. That would send a clear message: who and what this election represents for voters.

Posted on Sun, Aug. 09, 2009
Real estate industry gives Tomás Regalado's mayoral campaign a boost


Major financial support from the real estate industry has helped give Tomás Regalado a fundraising lead in his bid for Miami mayor, more than offsetting donations flowing to challenger Joe Sanchez from the Florida Marlins and others.
Those are among the early trends in the commission rivals' bid for Miami's top political post, a contest to be decided in November.

Through the end of June, Regalado, who has represented Flagami and West Little Havana since 1996, had collected $420,174. Sanchez, in office a decade overseeing most of Little Havana, The Roads and the Shenandoah neighborhoods, had collected $298,286.

Neither is close to the more than $1 million two-term Mayor Manny Diaz had collected at the same point four years ago, before his easy reelection. With Diaz term-limited out, the heated race pits two veteran politicians with contrasting styles -- and supporters.

Sanchez has collected more than $20,000 from the Marlins and their associates, including maximum $500 contributions from team owner Jeffrey Loria and his wife, and Major League Baseball President and Chief Operating Officer Bob Dupuy and his spouse. The commission chair was among the key backers in approving plans for a new stadium in his Little Havana district.

Attorneys have also contributed more than $50,000 to Sanchez' camp.

Regalado's pro-development backers have contributed more than $80,000, with a maximum $500 contribution from hotelier Sherwood ``Woody'' Weiser, and thousands more from Boston-area developer Mark Plonskier and co-workers.

Plonskier is the chief executive of the Gatehouse Group, which builds affordable housing in Miami. The company held a fundraiser for Regalado earlier this year, contributing $3,000.

``We like Tomás,'' said Nick Inamdar, the company's vice president in Miami, saying the candidate has visited the company's senior communities.

When fundraising began, one common view among politicos and downtown special interests was that Sanchez would gobble up development money. Regalado, as a consistent critic of Mayor Diaz' development plans, is far from adored by some in the pro-development crowd.

It hasn't turned out that way, at least not through June, at a time polls show Regalado carrying an election lead at this early stage.

Just recently, Regalado received more than $10,000 from a pair of fundraisers -- one from Flagler Street restaurant owner Jose Goyenes, another from prominent land-use attorney Lucia Dougherty, who represents some of the biggest developers in the city.


In some respects, the fundraising -- which can bankroll vital radio and television advertising spots in the final stages of the campaign -- has come down to support from the Marlins and Miami attorneys for Sanchez, against big-money developers and small donations from longtime residents for Regalado.

Regalado said he ``absolutely'' considered the development money a bonus. ``These are Joe's people,'' he said. ``But they recognize that I have been pointing out the problems that they are now facing.''

One reason Regalado is getting developer help, political observers say, involves his opposition to Diaz' Miami 21 zoning overhaul. A small but vocal group of developers feared Miami 21 would come with a cost to big projects, as building heights would be restricted along most of the city's main corridors.

Regalado has opposed the plan from the start, and did so again Thursday. So, surprisingly, did Sanchez, killing the plan with the potential fifth vote, Commissioner Angel Gonzalez, absent.

Fernand Amandi, vice president of Bendixen & Associates -- a polling group that parted ways with Sanchez in March -- said Regalado may be taking advantage of the city's economic meltdown.

Miami is looking to fill a $60 million budget hole this year, and perhaps one double that size in 2010.

``For better or for worse, Joe Sanchez has been affiliated with the current administration,'' Amandi said.

Regalado has been a staunch critic of the $642 million Little Havana ballpark stadium blueprint, while Sanchez has been its biggest supporter on the commission. Marlins President David Samson said the ballclub doesn't comment on campaign contributions.

In the push to get Sanchez elected, the Marlins have held fundraisers, with thousands of dollars of contributions coming in from a host of New York City residents around Major League Baseball's Park Avenue headquarters.


Sanchez has campaigned at senior centers around Miami with Billy the Marlin, the ballclub's eight-foot-tall mascot. At one ballgame, Sanchez was shown on the big screen seated between a large group of seniors.

Another time, he was interviewed by Marlins broadcaster Craig Minervini.

In turn, Regalado received cash from stadium critic Norman Braman and associates including Frank Schnidman, who Braman hired as a consultant during his failed legal attempt to stop the stadium plan.

With three months before the election, Sanchez is focused on questioning whether Regalado -- backed by the city's main unions -- will take steps to curtail runaway pension costs that have put city finances in jeopardy.

He spoke briefly about fundraising on Thursday, saying ``we're doing great.''

Yet some election watchers say the commission chair needs a sharper focus.

Amandi, the pollster, said Regalado has consolidated his status as a front-runner. ``Sanchez hasn't done much in the way of developing a message or a campaign,'' he said.

© 2009 Miami Herald Media Company. All Rights Reserved.


Anonymous said...

I think what is happening is that you had Regalado aggressively fundraising while simultaneously garnering a lot of support from his local residents and upping himself in the polls. If I was a lobbyist and it came to this in the game I would give a $250 check to Sanchez along with a few other people and hold Regalado a fundraiser. Regalado has voted against Lucia Daugherty plans before but due to recent events it may be a case of Regalado is a yes vote or a no vote. Not a maybe vote. To my understanding Joe lost a lot of people with the Miami 21 vote.
But I guess its just speculation. A lot of people see him as his own man.

Anonymous said...

Joe Sanchez as the Chairman of the City of Miami Commission begged and demanded the other commissioners vote for the $3 billion bailout of the Marlins. That is $3 billion, or more, that will be leaving Miami and going to pay interest to bondholders. That is money that could have funded thousands of local Mom and Pop businesses. The Marlins are owned by an off-shore corp. Joe demanded the Marlins keep 100% of the naming rights. Joe demanded that the Marlins keep 100% of all revenues eventhough the Marlins were only putting up 2% to 4% in cash. (Maybe.)

Regalado voted no.

Anonymous said...

If Tomas Regalado is now receiving more unsolicited support, endorsements and checks from attorney, lobbyists and developers, it may just be that they see the writing on the wall and prefer to invest in a Mayoral candidate with the best possible chance of wining.

Let’s recall which Miami City Commissioner sided with which issue. We as citizens should support the candidate that fights for the issues, quality of life and future of our community that we believe in.

Home Depot Entering Coconut Grove
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Fire Fee Settlement
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Court said NO
Miami River Is Dead To Marine Industry
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Court said NO
Mercy Hospital Changing Zoning For Related Group 3-Luxury Condos
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Court said NO
Lets not forget all of the many times City of Miami Commissioners from other districts supported the views and agreed to vote along with the Commissioner from the district that requests a referendum. Unfortunately Sanchez, Gonzalez and Spence-Jones did not honor that policy and voted against District 2 Commissioner Sarnoff and in favor of illegal rezoning of Mercy Hospital and against wishes of most Grovites.
Marlins Stadium Deal ¾ Paid By Taxes ¼ Paid By Marlines
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Marlins Stadium No Bid Contract For Buildings Contractor
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO

Whenever any of these cases went to court, the court sided with Regalado against our very own city.
Proving again that Regalado's No votes are Yes votes for the City of Miami and its people.

Harry Emilio Gottlieb

Gifted said...

If I were Regalado I would still take their money and flip them (Greenberg) the bird.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gottlieb's post makes me sad to think so many people still have it wrong: Home Depot was going into the Grove no matter what. Sanchez voted for a beautiful new building, while Sarnoff, Regalado and their kind cut off their nose to spite their face. And now Grovites are stuck with Home Depot in the same old hideous anti-urban building, when they could have had progress. Sarnoff failed on the one issue he was elected to handle.

Anonymous said...

Come on guys, your lust for Sorenson never waned when she took Bercow and Korge money. It's the voting record.

Anonymous said...

Herald is wrong as usual if you look closely at Joe Sanchez campaign contributors you will see about 112K from development interest and about 45K from lobbyist and attorneys.
Herald really wants JS but knows it probably won't get him.
HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA (using Vincent Prices voice in thriller)

Anonymous said...

My family and I will vote for Joe Sanchez.
"Vision, Energy, Progress & Positive"

Elba said...

Do not be deceived by Tomas Regalado, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

This is the REAL Tomas.

Sex, Lies, and City Hall
Commissioner Tomas Regalado screwed around. Now his felonious former mistress wants revenge.


Anonymous said...

I suggest keeping his family out of this. Especially bringing up his deceased wife Elba.

Anonymous said...

Poor family, what they must have gone thru with a man like that.
Has the case of the family stealing gas from the city's gas card at tax payer's expence been closed? That is another fine mess these people have been into.

A cheat, liar and crook? Who needs an old man like that for Mayor?

Cupid said...

I hear Joe's got a few arrows in his quiver, quite the lady's man. Elba (or whatever your name really is) remember people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Stay on the issues your lovely Joe shoved that Marlin's Stadium right down our throats, stop trying to deflect attention from that very important FACT.

Anonymous said...

If Joe is such a ladies man, why are there no newspaper articles about him cheating on his wife?

If Joe is cush a crook, why isn't the State Attorney investigating him for stealing gas from the city?

If Joe is so bad with money, where are the newspaper articles talking about his $5,000 net worth and his wages being taken by the IRS?

You want facts???

This election is not just about the Marlins.

Cupid said...

Don't get excited the FACTS will all come out in due time, and they won't be old fabricated rehashed stuff like you're bringing up (Gas issue was resolved a long time ago), it will be news, it will be fresh and it will be pertinent.
Who said Joe was bad with money? He seems to be doing rather well in that department.


Anonymous said...

You can't come to grips with the fact that Regalado is a liar and a cheater who claims to be "poor" and with "the people" while he cavorts and raises a ton of cash from rich developers.

And what you call "rehashed" is a solid 13 year track record of lies and deceit (there is lots more coming too).

Regalado says his record speaks for itself, well for me it speaks loud and clear.

Anonymous said...

Great show guys really.
So, here we are a few months before the election. Over the past year or so we have Joe speak of Progress and I guess more progress. Maybe he threw in some justice/happiness/honesty.

My only concern is that, all I have been hearing from his campaign is vitrol. Hate. He talks of progress but is the first to tear down Regalado. Even at the Commission Meetings.

It worries me that there are people out there who truly hate Commissioner Regalado. How you people can talk about anybody like that is beyond me. Well if anyone wants to say it to his face you can go to the city record and get his house address. Maybe some of you can actually talk things out. Instead of just yelling and saying hurtful things.

And for the choice few of you that are saying that it is okay to attack his family. Be careful. That is a road that is morally wrong. Furthermore, if the kids are anything like their Mother then you really dont want to rattle the hornets nest.

Anonymous said...

Joe Sanchez is the Chairman. His city is facing a $100 mil plus loss. He threw our money at the Marlins.

Anonymous said...

booo hooo hooo

Regalado lives a life of lies and deceit and then when people call him on it he cries

And a revenge squad? Miami is going to be more like Havana than what I thought...

Anonymous said...

Regalado lives a life of lies and deceit and then cries when people call him on it.

And a revenge squad made up of his kids? Miami will be more like Havana than what I thought...

Anonymous said...

"It's the economy, stupid."

Joe Sanchez demanded the taxpayers bailout the Marlins, Tomas Regalado was opposed.

Anonymous said...

November 3rd 2009:
Regalado = NO.
Sanchez = YES.

Anonymous said...


Mathilda said...

Check out the front page of todays Herald. The birth of our very own DownTown. You know who you can thank for that? Joe Sanchez. He accomplished even more in his own district. Think of what he can do for yours. He's going to be a great Mayor!