Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dueling Videos: Joe Sanchez Vs. Tomas Regalado. By Geniusofdespair

To be fair Sanchez got two because Regalado's is longer:


Anonymous said...

I give a bit more respect to Regalado who didnt have a teleprompter and his own pro video.

Anonymous said...

These are two completely different types of video - Sanchez's are clearly short issue based campaign video, and Regalado's clip is just from an interview he gave. It's like apples and oranges.

Anonymous said...

Regalado does not have any campaign issued videos.

Anonymous said...

Sanchez isn't green. Try green washing, all press conferences all the time and nothing accomplished.

Anonymous said...

the first video is amusing...

Anonymous said...

Why is the city of Miami the only local city that does not have a conflict of interest clause as part of its green commission/task force? Those same lobbyists/businesses/consultants writing the ordinances are the ones getting the jobs. And giving money to Sanchez's campaign.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a conflict of interest at the City of Miami!!

Geniusofdespair said...

Most of the videos were in Spanish on both sides. So there wasn't a lot to choose from. I think they tell me a lot about each candidate. I know one is staged and scripted and one is not, and so should you.

Both candidates knew they were being video taped.

Anonymous said...

Regaldo should point out that the reason there is so little money available for "green" parks, public access to the waterfront, and other initiatives is that Sanchez and his cronies approved every major development that came their way, imposing huge liabilities on taxpayers to provide services, etc. Now that the real estate markets have crashed, it is amusing to see Sanchez grab for the green fig leaf. I'd suggest a campaign for Regaldo: have Miami voters send Sanchez a message: a blank piece of paper colored with a green magic marker.

Anonymous said...

Tomas is so professional, it looks like he has done television before. Joe looks like he is inside of Jorge Perez office.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I am starting to know which candidate to choose.

Geniusofdespair said...

Campaign professionals: We can tell which are your comments, they sound fake.

Anonymous said...

I guess Tommy has rubbed off on some people, criticizing the other camp and not offering any supportive information. Please enlighten us all on Tommy's green initiatives or enviro- friendly legislations. Here are some of Joe's:
- Bicycle lanes and paths have been increased and many more are on the way. Because of Chairman Sanchez’s directive to the City Manager, every street improvement in the City is evaluated for bike lane feasibility.
- Chairing the City’s Green Commission helped develop eco-friendly legislation that has been adopted to: give expedited permitting to green buildings, provide for green space management, encourage green purchasing and require that efficient, green vehicles be purchased when replacing City car and truck fleets.
- Free home energy makeovers were donated to more than 50 Little Havana homes, where energy efficient light bulbs, shower heads, and other items have produced sizable utility bill savings.
- The largest cleanup in the history of Calle Ocho brought hundreds of volunteers together to clean every inch of SW 8th street between SW 4th and SW 27th Avenues.

...looking forward to hear about Green Tom's green thumb.

Anonymous said...

Okay lets talk Green.
Bicycle lanes and paths have been increased because of MANNY DIAZ. His own board that he appoints. Same reason he is the Chairman of the Commission now. He is appointed by the Mayor.
Green Commission- Same thing it is the Mayors Green Commission.

Anonymous said...

Is there any correlation with having a crocket smile and what comes out of the mouth? I don't trust anything said by Mr. Sanchez. Hasn't done much for his district but is always available for a photo to pretend he cares.

Anonymous said...

Where did Sanchez find all those trees in the background on the second video?

Anonymous said...

Cannot. Wait. Till. November.

Anonymous said...

Reglado voted yes for same green legislation that Sanchez has voted for so he can't claim it anymore than Reglado. And either way nothing much has come from any of that legislation.

The bicycle stuff has been successful -- thanks to the MAYOR and bike enthusiasts, not Sanchez.

Where are these green buildings? I think there is a green Staples store. Is that even officially certified? Anything else???? Anywhere? Nope.

Where is this new green space or park space? What's Snachez doing to stop the parking lots and pavement on Virginia Key? Nothing.

How many trees planted versus how many have been bulldozed?

Anything at all with recycling? Does anyone even recycling in Miami? No, I don't think so.

Have the parks or pubic works departments stopped watering their grass and non-native shrubs in the noon sun? No, haven't seen that happen.

Steve Hagen said...

Everyone loves Green and Progress........but, especially when it come to progress, what does it cost and who pays for it?

Let's hope young voters, who it seems Sanchez is targeting, as well as all voters have a good dose of common sense and get the facts and voting records on both candidates and not rely on campaign clips and literture. Steve Hagen

Anonymous said...

I love how Regalado talks about not planning on running for Mayor when in fact he has been planning since Joe was born. It's time for change in Miami, and Joe is the future.

Gifted said...

Joe was born in 2008?
That makes sense since the way he voted you would think he was born yesterday.

Anonymous said...

The point was he has been planning to run for mayor for over 40 years. Do not let him fool you.

Anonymous said...

I guess he was planning to run for mayor when he was a White House correspondent and Joe wasn't born yet. It all makes sense now LOL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Those being fooled by Regalado will be proud to see this city bankrupt once again within the next 5 YEARS... thanks to the unknown promises he made to the union directors to get their endorsement...

Anonymous said...

...Yea, and then ANOTHER oversight board, ANOTHER declaration of junk bonds... regalado has been present through that before, i guess tommy is so against the development that he does the complete opposite and drives this city into the ground...TWICE...i can give him that, he is persistent, it didn't work the first time, so he'll do it a second...AND WON'T STOP UNTIL HE SUCCEEDS...excuse my opinion, but i can't sit and watch that happen to MY city...GOE JOE

Anonymous said...

what was that at the start of Regalado's tape?? He did not answer the question correctly!!! I understand about knowledge, experience, etc. but honestly.......we need a mayor that is able to communicate in the English language!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gifted said...

To be fair Regalado was voted in September in 1996. The following month in October was when the Oversight board was put in place.
I dont think he "Drove the city to the ground"

Geniusofdespair said...

Anonymous 2 above this one...let's not bring the English thing into this. Regalado does fine with Speaking English.

Anonymous said...

I recycle, but they take very little. It is the worse recycling program I have ever seen. When people visit from other places, they are confused that so much stuff goes straight into the trash. Wish we had the county system. They take everything! And isn't there a city in north Dade that actually pays you?

Anonymous said...

I just checked the website suggested above and had to laugh. Neighborhood Improvements??? The only neighborhood and area that was improved was The Roads, where he has his now expanded home and Memorial Boulevard, where he has another house. Give me a break...what about the rest of his district? Housing, what housing???

John Morales said...

Want funny websites? Check this out:

You like Green? You get a tree a day and a clean block a week.

You like bureaucracy? A new Office of Resident's Affairs and Public Documents. I wonder how much the head of that office will be paid? And what are the NETs, the Clerk, Communications, etc...good for?

You like Code Enforcement? Well, it's gone, consolidated with NET, just like it was in the past, and we all know how well that worked!

You wants jobs? More PSAs at every NET office, all future pension holders.

You want great zoning ideas? Let's met after 5PM!

BTW, not a single thing about how he plans change the zoning laws that allow development as of right. He stopped Miami 21, ask him how he plans to solve zoning issues...

Anonymous said...

Plans to change the zoning laws?
It's a good thing Joe has plenty of experience with that.
Lets talk about the Grovenor. This was a giant structure built in the Grove that had illegal zoning allowed to it. Sanchez, even though he had sever opposition to from the neighbors of the area; hell the whole grove. Approved it. They changed the law thereafter to not allow a building like it ever again AFTER it was built.

How bout Mercy Towers yet another zoning issue the Sanchez voted for. Oh but he's trying to help everyone out. After the neighbors pooled up thier own money to sue Sanchez "offered" to lower the height of the building.
What a nice guy. It passed.

The Neighbors took it to court and won finding it to be illegal.

Now here is the problem with the city. The current administration does not listen to its constituents. So much that they have to form a law suit against its own city to ensure their own rights.

The choice is yours. Please go out to vote to ensure this election is not won by absentees.

Anonymous said...

Joe Sanchez voted for the $3 bil bailout of the Marlins. That is our green. Joe sent our green out of town.

Rachel Garcia said...

What's Tomas' Platform?


What does he plan to do about zoning?


Does he have a Green Initiative?


What about crime?


Public corruption and out of control pensions an salaries?






Why should a guy without a college degree who admits to a personal wealth of $5,000 be elected mayor of a city of over 400K with a $600M budget?


Geniusofdespair said...

I have to say this campaign is more civil than the mud-slinging that went on in the Coral Gables election and the Palmetto Bay school ballot question. Thank you both sides for putting some meat in your comments, I didn't have to delete anyone...thanks

Anonymous said...

This election is about 8 more years of Manny Diaz or not.

Anonymous said...

Regalado's platform is that he made the right choices when they mattered.

Carlos Perez-Graf said...

Last time I checked, Diaz is not on the ballot. He is, however, a very convenient scapegoat when you lack ideas of your own.

I have yet to find a single Tomas supporter who will tell me with any clarity a single thing Tomas plans to do to fix the mess the City is in.

It's all Manny, Mercy, Marlins.

Great soundbites. Lousy policy.

Mike Nunez said...

Regalado will lead with common sense.
With his passed voting record he has proven that we do not need to have a giant round table of experts and consultants to figure things out.

Issue a salary freeze (which sanchez voted no)
Lower salaries (starting with his own)
Renegotiate the pensions (announced in his acceptance speech of the endorsement of unions)
Remove unneeded departments that add bloat (such as the CIP staff that got rehired, Sanchez was also a "no" vote in removing the staff however there was an identical board already in place)
Increasing Park development in lots that are unused (also a "Yes" vote from Regalado)
And continuing to work with the neighbors.

"Continuing to work with the neighbors"
That sounds like such an arbitrary statement however its true.

In 2005 Grove First had a petition with over 15,000 signatures from people who live in the Grove requesting to not let Home Depot in. Some people may think that the home depot is nice but the original home depot was supposed to be three times in size. Regalado was the only Elected official to go into it.
This meant a lot since he did not live there nor was his district there.
I like many other people support Tomas Regalado because we have stories of him actually doing little things. That dont mean a lot to other people. Like returning your calls or writing you handwritten thank you notes.
For fixing my grandmothers sidewalk, and having his office call FPL because our street lights were off for a week.

These "basic" things are what matter to me. Not making Miami a world class city. But making Miami "my" city. Something I am proud to be a part of.

Carlos Perez-Graf said...

Mike, did Tomas forget to put all those things in his platform?

And you are right, our children don't deserve "world class," we deserve "no class..."

Anonymous said...

Did Regalado lower his salary? What about his aide who makes over 100K?

Promises, many.
Results, none.

Chicken Little Buster said...

The sky is falling!

Everyone is bad!




Anonymous said...

Regalado is against the stadium ..Marlins...Marlins...Marlins (you can tell he hates baseball by the way he throws the ball in his's ridiculous)but at the same time he sent his buddys FOP (they were wearing shirts with logos) with 3 cars with big signs and parked them accross the stadium. You can't have your cake and eat it too!!!! I hope the Marlins ban Regalado FROM EVER ENTERING THE STADIUM!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I see Regalado's platform is:
1. I hate Manny Diaz
2. I hate the Marlins
3. I hate the county
4. I hate Carlos Alvarez
5. I hate Timoney
5. I hate anyone with money..oops except Norman Braman of course..

It's time for you to go quietly into the sunset..

Geniusofdespair said...

I spoke too soon. I removed a language swipe when I asked you all not to go there....

Anonymous said...

Funny you mention sidewalks, Mr. Nunez.... After being against Regalado's construction of a new sidewalk on my block(in which there was NOTHING wrong with them), which would destroy the remodeling I did to my driveway, Regalado showed up at my doorstep to ARGUE and have SCREAMING match with me on why I needed to agree with a new are absolutely right, it's those 'basic' things I vividly remember

Anonymous said...

.....And talking about votes, Mr. Nunez, in the last budget proposal by Manny, in which the tax rate was increased, Regalado voted FOR the proposal, Sanchez voted AGAINST...If Mr. Regalado continues to claim he kneeeew this crisis was coming and that nobody 'paid attention' to him, why would he vote for a budget proposal that would raise the tax rate of 'his people'...

.... I know


Anonymous said...

Mr. Nunez,my grandmother lives in the block of 27& 17 street Regalado's dristic. There's a pink abandoned building right in the corner, where for over 2 years now, homeless people, drug users, etc. have been calling home. The other day she said the police came and arrested a man inside the building. The neighbors all have made calls to Regalado's office and nothing was ever done. If he can't take care of his own district, how is he going to manage the city!

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day (year) No More Joe!

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day (year) No More Regalado!

Gifted said...

No one went to the City Commission today.
Commissioner Sanchez proposed to raise the millage today!
Regalado and Sarnoff moved to decrease taxes but the Chairman proposed a millage increase.
I saw it TODAY on the Miami TV live coverage of the Commission meeting.

It pays to pay attention!

Geniusofdespair said...

Most comments we got for any blog...congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

The Sanchez supporters keep claiming Sanchez has an agenda, but I've yet to hear what that is other than following everything the current Mayor proposes, good or bad. And it's been both -- some good and some bad. And I like that Manny at least had a vision, even when I've disagreed with it on many occasions. I don't see that from Sanchez -- plus the brain cells, not so much.

I prefer some independence of thought and action. I don't know what Regalado's agenda is either, but at least he seems to have an independent brain; sometimes he votes with the Mayor's entourage, sometimes not, but he's capable of coming up with his own idea, making decisions on his now, not just following the popular guy on the block like Sanchez, who has never done anything but be Manny's yes man.

What do you want for the next Mayor, a follower or someone capable of thinking through an issue and coming up with their own decision?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with the commission agreeing with the Mayor on his initiatives and collaborating. We cannot have a commissioner always being against the Mayor and now that commissioner wanting to be Mayor. The city will not move forward, it will be stuck in the mud. This is what Regalado brings to the table. Animosity and divisiveness.

Anonymous said...

Language skills, sir, are an issue in an election. Just the other day he was made fun of because he called Timoney an "foreigner" instead of an outsider. Correct use of the English language MUST be a requirement in a mayoral race. As a commissioner you can get away with it but not as a mayor. You are supposed to represent and communicate with the entire city.

Geniusofdespair said...

Okay, the previous comment is at least not a swipe, You thought it out and presented your argument and even gave an I left the post.

I don't agree that Regalado's language skills would make him a lesser candidate.

Anonymous said...

My beef with Regalado is the following: He goes before the anglo community, which he knows is anti-stadium and touts his anti-stadium vote...yet, he goes on Cuban radio, where he knows the stadium is popular and says he voted 7 times for the stadium! Why doesn't he just stick to his guns. I've had the opportunity of meeting both candidates and Joe seems to be his own man. People say he's Manny Diaz's 'yes man' but he's voted against Manny on several occassions, including the last budget. Diaz hasn't raised Sanchez a cent! He's been part of our community bicycle rides to promote bike lanes and other green initiatives. He's definitely a people person. It seems to me that Regalado is more of a puppet of Norman Braman (who hates Miami) and the overpaid City of Miami Department Heads! Way to get their endorsements Tommy!

Anonymous said...

Joe Sanchez made a motion on July 23rd to raise taxes for every property owner in Miami. Regalado stated he wanted to reduce taxes.

Joe Sanchez was a shill for the Marlins who are taking our money. Regalado voted to keep our money in Miami.

Anonymous said...

Manny Diaz allowed the union contract that allows firemen to be paid $250,000 to $360,000 per year. Some charge $2,000 per week in overtime on top... That is a shift from the taxpayers bank accounts to public sector public employee bank accounts. Thank you Manny. No wonder the City is facing a $100 mil deficit.

Anonymous said...

Everyone that has posted comments supporting Tomas Regalado apparently has been brainwashed or are family members.Who knows what promises he has made to Armando Gutierrez in exchange for Armando raising money for his campaign. He also claims to be such an honest person watching out for the taxpayers but yet he didn't know not to use a City issued gas card for thousands of dollars? I ask myself how can a person at his age and with salaries from the City and his commentating career only have a net worth of $5,000? that should speak on its own. He should be the poster child for politics as usual in the City of Miami. Something is just not right with his "babe in the woods" speeches. I have listened to his show a couple of times and was shocked at how much inaccurate information he reports but the older cuban generation believes every word he says and that is really a shame. He would be a disaster for the City. Who knows is Joe Sanchez will be a good Mayor but he is definitely the better choice in this race.

Anonymous said...

The same thing can easily be said of Sanchez who recieved a large sum of money from the Marlins, and having his campaign run by a Carlos ALvarez exec. Also claiming that he is for progress, obviously not matter what is in the way. Including a empty green space. The gas card thing happened when he first became Commissioner and it was found to be false use new material. Politcs as usual are people who say "yes" and want to build build build. All in the name of jobs and progress. It's disgusting, and for all of those who like to say all that he has done and how different he is from the Mayor. Remember the Mayor put him as chairman, also put him as chairman of the Mayor's Green Commission, International Council, Downtown Development Authority and anything else that Sanchez said he has "accomplished"

Anonymous said...

Yes the mayor did appoint Sanchez, but the heads of the unions are backing Regalado. Point made! The same union leaders that are making the big bucks that Regalado says he's against!!! The supporting of the unions alone is reason enough not to vote for any candidate.

Anonymous said...

Let’s recall which Miami City Commissioner sided with which issue. We as citizens should support the candidate that fights for the issues, quality of life and future of our community that we believe in.

Home Depot Entering Coconut Grove
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Fire Fee Settlement
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Court said NO
Miami River Is Dead To Marine Industry
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Court said NO
Mercy Hospital Changing Zoning For Related Group 3-Luxury Condos
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Court said NO
Lets not forget that 99% of the time City of Miami Commissioners from other districts support the views and agree to vote along with the Commissioner from the district that requests a referendum. Unfortunately Sanchez, Gonzalez and Spence-Jones did not honor that policy
and voted against District 2 Commissioner Sarnoff and in favor of illegal rezoning of Mercy Hospital and against wishes of most Grovites.
Marlins Stadium Deal ¾ Paid By Taxes ¼ Paid By Marlines
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO
Marlins Stadium No Bid Contract For Buildings Contractor
Joe Sanchez said YES
Tomas Regalado said NO

Whenever any of these cases went to court, the court sided with Regalado against our very own city. Proving over again that Regalado's No votes are Yes votes for the city of Miami and its people.

Harry Emilio Gottlieb

Anonymous said...

Has Regalado ever voted yes on an issue? Why are we talking about grovites? We need to chose whose better FOR THE ENTIRE CITY, NOT JUST FOR THE GROVE. Stop the insanity of the Marlins already!!get over it, the stadium is in!! I suggest you go after real issues that everyone in the city cares for. Like lowering the salaries of all those union leaders that are supporting Regalado

Anonymous said...

First of all, I'm a Grovite and I am for the stadium. Miami needs this. It's so easy to vote No on everything when you propose nothing on your own. By the way, I believe Regalado's campaign manager, Armando Gutierrez, was just indicted in an embezzlement scheme where he is being accused to laundering about $6 million dollars that was supposed to go towards education. Tommy, perhaps you should have said NO to Gutierrez as well. Just google Armando Gutierrez indicted