Researching trailer parks in the Florida Keys, I came across this chart from the website OpenSecrets.org. I was curious about the Miami lobbying and law firm, Tew Cardenas, involved in the effort to re-zone a trailer park in Key Largo. Al Cardenas is one of the top South Florida soldiers in Republican campaigns and fundraising, for W., for Jeb Bush and, in 2008, for Republican presidential candidates. In 2004, Cardenas was a Bush Pioneer, raising at least $100,000. In 2005 and 2006 the firm's lobbying income skyrocketed. Its trajectory resembles the housing market bubble. It is interesting to note the heavy percentage of the firm's lobbying income from Miami-Dade County.
Looks like the shit has hit the profit "fan" for law firms.
Not law firms. It's full employment with the housing crash. The law firms that were doing work getting built are now doing as much work now that the economy is tearing their ownership down. Lobbyists tied to Republican chieftains is another matter.
I bet Cardenas gets a lot of traction in DC these days. You think Rahm Emanuel takes his call?
No but Grover Norquist does.
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