You have to admit, "Downtown Divas" was worth a look-up. They do Business Development/Job Creation. I hope the county asked for some data, like past performance. How many jobs were created? The Corporation is out of Melbourne. I would like it better if they were local but who am I. We are going to give them $22,222. Urban Strategies is out of St. Louis, Mo. They are getting $234,721. They do job placement, how many in the past? I couldn't find Stick & Stein Sports Rock Cafe in State Corporate files, unless they are a chain out of California. We are giving them $79,444 for business expansion, job creation. They are in Commission District 9. Another, Mahogany Youth Corp. was defunct from 2002 until 2007, when it started up again. The "Thinking Child Academy" only scored 40 (top score was 803) but is getting $76,667? Capri Restaurant (don't they cater to Schnebly Winery?) is getting $72,222.
The county says "an OCED/EZ Program Manager will perform monthly site inspections, while compliance staff will perform quarterly desk audits." Hmmm.
I see a few scenarios here - the County just rubber stamps this - no questions or a few Commissioners ask questions, accept whatever pat answer they recieve and still rubber stamp this.
Some of these grants look more like political appointments - the one's mentioned in this blog particularly. The others probably do have merits and are deserving, but the one's who aren't shouldn't be getting funding.
You would think the County would want to fund local established businesses who need a lifeline and/or have a legitimate project - no carpetbaggers or those who have friends in high places who receive these grants - well - because why not!
I'm not sure funding restaurants is a good idea. Look at how many are going under. I remember a few years ago under a similar grant program, over $100K was given to a local IHOP and it closed down after renovations.
Audits? That is comical. They're always done way after there's a problem and the money is gone!
And, yep, Capri does the catering for Schnebly.
According to Guidestar, the Miami According to Guidestar, Goodwill in 2007 had revenue over $23,000,000 and the CEO had an annual salary of over $260,000. Needless to say their payroll is well in to the millions. Are they now a struggling charity? They're only making $12,000,000 and need a boost? This has to be a joke. Nothing against Goodwill and their work, but my gosh - almost $400K to them, taking away from local businesses who don't have the grant writer they do. I guess that pays the CEO plus their project manager for a year. I wonder what their application looked like.
Stick and Stein is a sports bar in Homestead. Capri is a restaurant in FL City (but locals from Homestead live there). Sounds like Moss is feathering his nest for his next election on my tax dollar. Guess he is replacing Shiver.
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