Wednesday, May 06, 2009

"Over-Promised Means You Lied" Said County Commissioner Carlos Gimenez. By Geniusofdespair

Great quote! I found it in the Matt Haggman, Miami Herald story which says that Carlos Gimenez is going to launch a petition drive so we can re-vote the 1/2 penny transit tax since it is not being used as promised. See yesterday's Eye column. I actually voted against the tax because I didn't trust them, but for all the rest of you, you might have a second chance. If you can't get them out of office, starve the beast. Get procurement out of their hands while you are at it Carlos.


Gimleteye said...

Gimenez deserves credit for putting the question out there: can the county commission can be responsible stewards of the public treasury? There's no question that Miami-Dade's mass transit needs huge improvement. But the county commission-- that rejected the most basic reforms proposed by the Charter Review Commission-- was bound to keep its hands on the money. The discrepancy between Joe Martinez' position on the Charter Review proposals-- he disliked the limits on the power of the commissioners--and on the Gimenez proposal shows that he really does just sway in the wind. There's a consistency about Gimenez that is commendable.

miaexile said...

George Burgess was on TV spouting how, if this tax is repealed, the transit system will completely fall apart. Umm, how about raising the fares? Umm, how about that nutcase Pepe Diaz bowing to reality and shutting down buslines that have 3 or fewer of his constituents riding around on them? Umm, how about focusing on the "core" of Miami-Dade and improving mass transit within the core so more people will move back to the core and I can unload my house and move the hell out of here?

Anonymous said...

How about the State Attorney cleans up Miami-Dade Government and starts indicting some of these louts?

Guess that's kind of difficult since the commission will be naming a street after her.

Our commissioners are bush league. Let's dump Pepe Diaz, and company and get better commissioners in place. Maybe we can stop allowing police overtime and pay for mass transit instead? Maybe we can stop transporting commissioners with police and pay for mass transit instead? Maybe we can stop paying for phantom cell phones and pay for mass transit instead? Maybe we can build affordable housing while we are at it too!

get a clue said...

How about that focusing on the "core" is exactly what Gimenez was trying to keep from doing.

New money for new projects means investing in those routes with 3 riders while metro rail crumbles.

Anonymous said...

Get a clue, you really need to get a clue... You are so far off base, I would have to conclude that you either work for MTA, or, are located on the 29th Floor... The people are against you on this one.

Anonymous said...

There should be indictments. Katherine Rundle should show courage and investigate and indict the most corrupt commissioners. Obviously Miami-Dade administrators and many commissioners lied to the voters/taxpayers. Many commissioners have committed more serious crimes.

The indictments could start with Dennis Moss, Bruno Barriero, Pepe Diaz and that witch lady.

Middlejohn said...

The rocket scientist that "overpromised" is probably the same one that wrote Hilary Clinton's speech when she "landed under fire"!!! How arrogant can you get??? Thanks Carlos G. for trying to do something avout this waste and gross mismanagement that has been going on under Mr Burgess' nose for years. By the way, I heard that Pepe Diaz couldn't make it because his police sargent driver was busy fighting crime! I am going to contact Comm Giminez to get some of these petititions to circulate in MY neighborhood. After FINALLY seeing the departure of "Lover Boy Brown" here in the Gables, we all know first hand what bad management can and will do!