Monday, May 11, 2009

Colossal Waste of Money: Miami Herald Poll on Father Cutie. By Geniusofdespair

The Miami Herald has cut reporters and reduced the salaries of those who remain, yet they have enough money to poll on whether people think a priest in Miami, caught embracing a woman on a beach, should have honored his celibacy vows.

Well, who cares? Here is a tip Miami Herald: Why not poll the readers you have left to see what they want you to cover? Do they want fluff or news? The Cutie Poll story got right column above the fold, the most coveted position on a front page. This story is so over in my book...unless you have a better photo of the woman.


Anonymous said...

Sex sells.

Geniusofdespair said...

But there are hardly any readers left at the Herald. Maybe they should get to know their readers. The legs have run out on this story, unless it is about the woman now.

Anonymous said...

Who care about the woman. The story is about him.

sparky said...

You're right. The problem is that the nitwits at the Herald have forgotten the point of the paper is to be a paper. If the owners just want to make money they should be doing something else. Like selling CDS. Newspapers can't compete as anything other than newspapers. Too bad the corporatist media moguls thought otherwise: now we are all paying for their greed.

Maybe, just maybe, someone will come along and buy these properties and realize that a 5% return on a real newspaper isn't so bad. Yeah, I'm dreaming.

South Florida Lawyers said...

I thought the exact same thing, what a stupendous waste of money.

Maybe poll the public's attitude to funding the new Marlins stadium? Or school budget cutbacks?

Anonymous said...

Thank you South Florida Lawyers! You saved me from typing my thoughts. And, I'd add - what about the performance of the BCC and our local reps in the State? I don't even know why I bother with the Herald anymore. It's fluff for the most part. Curtis Morgan is one of their best right now and I wonder how often he gets muzzled in his articles. My first read is the Daily Business review! I'm a morning newspaper junkie at heart and need something to read at the breakfast table! The Herald is starting to look like the British Tab's - fluff, gossip and very little substance.

Anonymous said...

The Miami Herald sold six more papers by running this story. The white non-Hispanic people just canceled all their subscriptions.

Automated Robot said...

As a Catholic, I think the story appeals to me more than it might to non-Catholics. Whether priests should be permitted to marry continues to be a big issue so when a telegenic, popular priest publicly discusses his situation, it is certainly news.

Just for fun, let's say the church allows priests to marry. Does this mean that gay marriages would also be permitted?

Now that's a poll the Herald should run.

Judi Kregg said...

Okay, if I wanted sensationalism, I wouldn't be looking to the Miami Herald. They have not had NEWS for a long time. It's just a rehash of TV Network & Local News, word for word. The only things that are not reruns are the obituaries and comics. But, what more do you need for the bottom of the birdcage?

Anonymous said...

It was interesting when it first broke, but now I agree who cares. The problem with the media is they get a story and they run it over and over and over and over again.