Thursday, April 09, 2009

Want to hear something positive about Miami? SLOW FOOD

Here is an antidote to the recession blues: Slow Food Miami, an organization that is blossoming as the local part of the national movement to reform the way we produce and consume and educate people about food. The idea is part of an international movement to support local producers. Local producers of organic vegetables, tropical fruit and home grown food are gaining more and more traction in South Dade. Community gardens are also gaining supporters. I learned something in Slow Food Miami's recent newsletter, too: that you can get free compost from Miami-Dade County. Here's a map of where to go. They say nothing is free: compost as something you've already paid for. Please check out the Slow Food Miami website.


Geniusofdespair said...

I love the note, very funny.

Tony Garcia said...

Me too...I got this map by email a while back and thought it was a joke...funny.

Anonymous said...

Composted what? Sewage sludge?