Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tides can change in one paragraph of a BIO. By Geniusofdespair

A BOOST FOR WOMEN'S MOVEMENT (from the City of Homestead website):
Mayor Lynda Bell has the distinction of being the first woman mayor in the City of Homestead's 96-year history.

AND NOW IT IS GONE (in the same paragraph):
She is the delegate from the State of Florida to the National Right to Life Board of Directors.


Anonymous said...

Cannot say I like her second claim to fame.

Anonymous said...

She has always been a right-to-lifer. The mayor has more than herself on the council who are right-to-lifers. Good thing they can't legislate people's right to freedom of choice. Of course, they do in other ways don't they?

Anonymous said...

Bad news. But then, Homestead has always been bad news. Interesting that it is home to feminist and former NOW leader, Patricia Ireland, who it turns out, is nothing more than an empty dress.

Why does she not get involved? Because she is under her husband's thumb?

Anonymous said...

You mean, the land speculator?

Anonymous said...

Lynda is a land speculator?

miaexile said...

good grief, your damn right she's a right to lifer - look at all those empty developments she needs to fill up's now very clear why she's a champion of paving over every last inch of green earth within the city limits..eck, can you imagine what Homestead is going to look like in another 10-20 years?

Anonymous said...

FYI miaexile there is no development in Homestead except commercial due to a two or three year old moratorium. Development in homestead was bought by ticket donations and parties for the 99/07 city commission. Rumors are starting to surface that commissioners home loans were paid off and seed money for businesses such as insurance and security firms were also part of the vote buying. Along the way some charities and campaigns fronted by commissioners failed to declare all of the contributions. One of those claimed it raised six hundred thousand in eight years but they submit forms saying the charity raises under twenty five thousand a year. Do the math.

Automated Robot said...

So a woman elected official cannot have a religious belief that life begins at conception?

The fact that Lynda does not toe your line on abortion does nothing to reduce her ground breaking tenure as Mayor.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't the toe the line as a feminist.

Geniusofdespair said...

Read my blog again...automated robot
I was talking about the women's movement. You don't understand the difference? One step forward one step backward as far as a feminist might view it.

Why do I bother.

Automated Robot said...

I read your blog - you are like absolutists all along the political spectrum: "agree with me always or you are a step backward." The Club For Growth uses the same logic in regard to Arlen Specter.

Lynda Bell is a woman. She is the first woman Mayor of Homestead. If you knew her, you would understand that she supports the advancement of women in politics and the work place. (I have heard her speak on these issues.)

Your narrow view of "women's issues" should not diminish what Mayor Bell has accomplished.

Why do you bother to opine without thinking your comments through?

Geniusofdespair said...

You don't get the post.

Homestead always but not proud said...

I know her. I am from Homestead, and I am not proud of her even though I voted for her, and I don't think just because she is mayor is no big deal for women. The Automated Robot person is nuts. The women's movement was all about reproductive freedom.

Anonymous said...

Linda Bell worked on Jeb Bush's campaign. That should tell you all you want to know about her.

Anonymous said...

Without vetting citizens opinions, Homestead officials said that Homestead supported the two new nuclear power plants at a public meeting. Where is Linda Bell on that issue? In lockstep with FP&L! Why doesn't she hold a citizens meeting like Commissioner Sorenson and find out what we want instead of speaking for us? Why doesn't she care enough?

She does not speak for me and I don't support her.

Anonymous said...

Since I lost about fifty percent on my real estate investments in the past few years I want fpl to build. Good jobs, better quality of people than the riff raff showing up now to rent only or the sec. 8 types. Thousands of jobs and skilled workers will make values rise and lure other business. Miami should be so lucky.

Anonymous said...

And you will lose your other 50% when the area becomes radioactive.

Anonymous said...

That's where Obama comes in to save us with a bailout. D.C. would then own an energy conglomerate, fits right in with medical, auto, bank and insurance companies.

youbetcha' said...

Lynda can be a right-to-lifer. She does not have to bring it to the dais, because it is her personal belief, not everyones.

Being a woman and being a mayor, in spite of being the first in one of those areas is a nice thing. BUT, if she believes that women are equal, then being the first female to accomplish anything should not be a big deal.

Being the first woman to reach a particular achievement should be accepted as normal as rain or breathing. That is what acceptance is all about. Blending in, being just like everyone else with your skills or talents, no matter what skin tone or sexual orientation is represented.

Far as FPL, all jobs in the world can not replace lives and the environment if the corporate mentality is such that it endangers the population with old equipment, poor maintenance, and misuse of the facts with our elected officials blessings. My feeling is that FPL can deactivate and dismantle the 2 existing nukes, and rebuild 2 state of the art ones elsewhere. They have 2 nukes out there that are OLD OLD OLD by industry standards and they need to take care of those first. Like maybe, they need to start looking for stress fractures and other such things that occur as daily wear and tear. Until then, the Homestead folks need to wake up and not have these plants shoved down their throats under the guise of development and economics.

Gimleteye said...

I have to laugh about the "riff raff" comment, above. It was THE SAME argument that Bill Losner used to make in the 1990's, before the boom: that Homestead and Florida City needed more development to squeeze out the Section 8ers and on and on. It was nauseating then but it is more, much more nauseating now. Because it was quite clear that there were no job creators other than ag in South Dade: yet the promise of "jobs" that would bring in the middle class was held out as the reason to promote and approve every last square inch of farmland being converted to terrible housing. In this race to the bottom, I'm afraid that Homestead and Florida City can claim the checkered flag.

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh by comparing Losner's alleged argument with the highly skilled jobs example. That group that Bell and her supporters kicked out of city hall should be addressed by you. They are the ones who approved everything Epling/Shiver/Losner/Lennar/Latterner/Shoma and all the rest wanted. At last look this stream was about Bell, she put a halt to the ridiculous and obscene growth. Somebody writes that FPL would help Homestead and you ridicule them with a Losner example that is not even accurate to the point of comparison? It's 2009 not 1969.

It is all about the money said...

I am not laughing about FPL. They are dangerous. They have one thing that they will push the safety envelope on and that is making enough money to keep their investors happy in dire economic times.

As for Losner. Well, Ms. Anon: 1969 was probably before you were born and his attitude was much more recent than 1969. His attitude has poisoned more important studies than Homestead has tomatoes. He didn't do it alone. He had great company for his backroom deals.