Saturday, April 25, 2009

More on Steve Shiver's Splits and Cartwheels at Maggie Valley's Ghost Town in the Sky ... by gimleteye

For new readers to this subject, please read our archive on the former county manager of Miami-Dade, former mayor of Homestead, former lobbyist and builder of affordable housing, and current lead executive of a North Carolina amusement center that is operating out of bankruptcy. The center is apparently an anchor commercial enterprise in the small community of Maggie Valley, who now are relying on Steve Shiver's good word that the enterprise can thrive, even in bankruptcy, under his leadership.

According to the Smoky Mountain News: "A recently created limited liability corporation called Resurrection Partners has emerged as a vehicle to provide the beleaguered theme park much needed cash. The line of credit would be provided at least in part by Ghost Town partners themselves, according to Ghost Town CEO Steve Shiver. By funneling the cash through a separate entity, the investors have a shot at recouping their money should the park go under. The park needs “emergency and immediate approval of financing,” without which “the park will not be able to open and operate for the 2009 year,” according to bankruptcy filings. The line of credit would provide money for payroll and “expenses commensurate with the opening preparations.” Resurrection Partners, LLC, was created in early March."

The Ashville Citizen Times also reports on the Shiver attraction: a job fair is being held at the park today to fill "200 positions" for the anchor entertainment center that can only exist in bankruptcy or through the investment of taxpayers. "Ghost Town will also be hiring singers and dancers to perform at Ghost Town throughout the season. Those auditioning for dance and vocal positions should arrive at the welcome center by 10:30 a.m. Auditions will be held at the Silver Dollar Saloon, until 1:30 p.m. The park suggests that those auditioning should be prepared to invest three hours of time. Transportation will be provided to and from the Silver Dollar Saloon from the Welcome Center. Dancers should bring comfortable dance attire, a resume and a headshot, and they should be capable of performing a split, cartwheel and a double turn."

Again, the Smoky Mountain Times: "The park has a trail of unpaid bills with more than 215 companies totaling $2.5 million. That’s on top of a $6.5 million bond to purchase the park and a $3 million loan for upgrades to the property. The park owes another $200,000 in back sales tax and property tax. The bankruptcy filing doesn’t reflect the numerous private investors who put up money over the past two years in exchange for an equity stake in the company but may never see a return."

The following was sent to Eyeonmiami by a North Carolina observer. "Well, Shiver and his ghost town gang came to the Maggie Valley Town Board to ask for $200,000 to get them started back up for the season. He says without the money the park may not be able to open. He acts as though he is entitled to this money. All of the hotel owners in the Valley want the Alderman to give him the money as well, like Ghost Town is going to be their saving grace. Shiver opened that park with too little money and now he wants the community to pay his way to get out of it. He owes everyone and has nothing to show for it except a lot of bills that can't be paid, bankruptcy and the crazy idea that Shiver is going to be Haywood County's knight in shining armor, riding in on a white horse that was paid for with other peoples money and then once he runs the park into the ground he will ride off into the the sunset never to be heard from again, or until he finds another desperate community willing to listen to another one of his schemes on the taxpayers dime."


Anonymous said...

Too bad Ghost Town isn't in Miami: Shiver could do the same as the county is doing for Parrot Jungle.

Anonymous said...

The only cartwheels being done are by the people in Homestead.

Anonymous said...

Throwing good money after bad, or, letting insiders who screwed up the banking system fix the banking system: why would the public at Maggie Valley let the people who screwed up Ghost Town now be in charge of resurrecting it?

Anonymous said...

Some interesting reading how business is done at Ghost Town.

Anonymous said...

how the heck did

Community Bank of Fla.
28801 SW 157 Avenue
Homestead, FL 33033

end up on the debtor list? is that steves credit card with that bank

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Losners old bank got stiffed by Steve. But how?

Anonymous said...

i think first national is losner

Anonymous said...

Losner or not, if the people of Maggie Valley are betting the table on Steve Shiver's pulling a rabbit out of the hat at Ghost Town, they'd have more luck turning the whole escapade into a FOX sitcom.