Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Can We Do As Miami Dade Citizens to Make It Better? By Geniusofdespair

We have to lance the infected boils on our ass: The County Commission!

Gimleteye lays out some LOCAL problems in his post above, citing the pressure on DERM:

"Miami-Dade's Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) continues to be plagued by morale problems and an enforcement mission that is continually eroded by lobbyists representing special interests, expressed through meddling in department affairs. This is all happening under the careless attention of our elected representatives."

Yes, the buck stops with the horrendous County Commission and we can't get them out of office with district voting (most voters don't follow what their commissioner does, they just vote them in over and over because they bring a few perks to their district) and because of corporate campaign financing, so what can we do? Really, what is left to do?

We need a petition drive. That is all we have left. With legislation they have tied our hands on most everything else...and they have made the petition process almost impossible with foolish rules. But thanks to David Dermer's lawsuit we still have a chance.

We could do some sort of charter changes (a couple of petitions) that would pull the plug on some of their power. I would like to get procurement out of their hands. We have to lance the infected boil on our ass: The County Commission. Would you rather go buy a donut to sit on and shut up. I for one want it lanced.

To do this we must all come together with money and the will. If we don't it will be business as usual. Stupid private stadiums built with tax dollars is just the tip of the boondoggles they will come up with, forever at the call of their lobbyist puppet masters. Remember too, a few weeks ago they took our transportation tax for mass transit, diverting most of it to general funds. How many slaps across the face do we need to wake up?

Send me an email if you are serious and you want to help. I don't care who you are and I am sure as hell not going to tell anyone. I just want to strike a blow for good government and I need citizens to step forward.


Anonymous said...

Every time I hear what DERM is approving, I always think of Renfrow like a puppet on the strings of the lobbyist de jour and how he dropped the ball on the NW Wellfield investigation. Remember when he pulled the plug on that then went over to head DERM? The article is probably still in the New Times archives. I cannot imagine any morale in DERM when it seems they go out of their way to give a seal of approval on whatever comes their way, including Krome Gold's 100+ Acre lake or Parkland. Yep, DERM found a way to like those applications.

So, what to do? I think the Federal Courts are the only way to fight. The Circuit Court is full of elected judges.

Anonymous said...

A teacher of environmental science at the high school level whom I'm familiar with has often spoken to me of his previous work at DERM, and what I have heard about it's internal workings is simply disgusting and disheartening, but unfortunately not surprising for Miami.

Anonymous said...

Serious campaign finance reform is the only answer to give new candidates a shot at being elected. No donations from business or PACs. Maximum donation $200.00. Seventy five percent must come from the district. If only the district can vote then the district can fund their own commissioner.
There is pending legislation now before the state legislature to tighten petition requirements. The provisions are similar to the crap Miami-Dade pulled after the Seijas recall petition success. So Dermer's win may be short lived. What is wrong with our elected officials; they are arrogant and power hungry.

Anonymous said...

Not only the Miami-Dade County Commission is a disgrace, but the Florida legislature as well -Republicans and Democrats! Neither party has a monopoly on their stupidity, arrogance and abuse of the unfortunate citizens of this state!

youbetcha' said...

Gee wiz. That rear looks painful.

I think the Feds are the only ones that can clean up Miami.

And even an invasion of corruption investigators would not be to change the environment of corruption that people in this county freely accept as the norm. They would be angry, bacause it is how they live their own lives.

I don't see the public will to to take a stand against corruption...the general public is either too busy making a living or they are accepting the concept that corruption, bribes and favors for others is the way we do business here. A little favor here or a bit of nepotism there... so what?

Anonymous said...

The Commission is often sad and rarely does what us progressive folks want. So my question again is: when are better citizens going to offer themselves for office? You must be kidding that Pepe Diaz is the best that community can do. And Dorrin Rolle? OMG

Geniusofdespair said...

In another life this could be my butt.

Anonymous said...

Why would any honest public servant run for commissioner? They can't win because the money will flow to the corrupt incumbents.

Anonymous said...

There's more too it than money, theres also the absentee ballot machinery, whereby folks standing in line at the pearly gates or who are in the grips of alzheimers or other mind delitating disease by some miracle yet known to man (but known to every absentee ballot broker) actually vote.
Besides that you are seriously overating the knowledge base of the average registered voters, very few actually know who their State Rep or County Commissioner are and even fewer show up at the polls when those elections are held (Like 9% in august 08 election).
Even less keep track of what bills or ordinances these clowns sponsor or vote for.
Next time take those gruesome pictures off that Butt and put a phone# on it.

Geniusofdespair said...

Gruesome pictures...thanks for making me laugh.

Anonymous said...

DERM is an oversized out of control department ran by folks who believe a snail is more important than human life. No regard for jobs, public welfare, etc

Geniusofdespair said...

Putz. What does derm have to do with this post.