My guess is that Sorenson and Gimenez will vote no. Since Martinez wants to be the next mayor, he might join them. Heyman, for it, could be wrong on her. And:
Most will pretend to be really concerned at some nit-pick detail...but then they will fold and vote for it.
I was sure right about the nit-picking. They did that for about 5 hours. I was unsure of Sally and I thought Souto might vote for it. But I was pretty close. Here is an astute comment on Martinez's vote from a reader:
Again, Martinez's yes vote on the no-bid negates his no vote on the financing. He is the one that sought to bifrucate the vote, so that he could say that he voted against the Marlins Stadium Deal, but vote with the supermajority on the no-bids. We can't let these guys play these games any more. We need to call them out on it.
Again, Martinez's yes vote on the no-bid negates his no vote on the financing. He is the one that sought to bifrucate the vote, so that he could say that he voted against the Marlins Stadium Deal, but vote with the supermajority on the no-bids. We can't let these guys play these games any more. We need to call them out on it.
I will add this to my post since it has merit..thanks reader.
Any time. Martinez, you may have fooled the local press (Print and Television), but, you did not fool EYE ON MIAMI!
Martinez and Sosa need the marlin's money for their mayoral campaigns. With enough money they can "wash away" their unpopular votes. How did Heyman vote?
Heyman did okay. She has no mayoral aspirations.
Bellow are the names of the City of Miami Commissioners and Miami-Dade County Commissioners that voted to make this really bad deal to authorize the building of the Marlin’s Stadium with out our consent.
Please remember these names at the next election and vote them out of office.
Miami-Dade County Commissioners:
Dennis Moss, Bruno Barreiro, Audrey Edmonson, Natasha Seijas, Javier Souto, Barbara Jordon, Dorian Rolle, Jose “Peep” Diaz and Rebeca Sosa.
City of Miami Commissioners:
Joe Sanchez, Michelle Spence-Jones and Angel Gonzalez
With any luck some of them will be caught in a scandal and indicted before the next election.
Harry Emilio Gottlieb
"With any luck some of them will be caught in a scandal and indicted before the next election."
Three words foy you
1Kathy 2Fernandez 3Rundle...unfortunately it will never happen.
Bruno Barrerio was pitiful as usual. He sure makes an ugly patsy. Boy, wasn't Bruno the patsy?
"I cannot agree to the amendment..."
Comm. Moss's use of the "custom" of only permitting friendly amendments was a stroke of legislative genius regardless of whether you disagree with the outcome, which I do. The early vote locked this deal into place and ensured Burgess of a post-county retirement somewhere in the bowels of MLB.
Sadly, none of the opponents could muster enough outrage or legislative skill to turn the votes. Perhaps in their heart of hearts they really didn't want this deal to fail.
This commission is undeniably populated with yes men and women. But, it is also full of naysayers who lack the ability to kill bad legislation.
9 or 10 Commissioners are so desperate to get re-elected that they fall in line and approve a $2 billion giveaway rather than stand up for their constituents, the taxpayers.
In a town with massive public corruption, our public corruption unit is a joke. Rundle runs political interference and prevents any real investigation from going forward. Alot of personnel spin their wheels on big cases. Then she surfaces periodically to announce that some low level oficial stole a county computer. The difference between the indictments and convictions in Palm Beach and here is Rundle's cozy connection with the people she is supposed to investigate.
Vote them out.
I sure hope various public corruption investigators were watching Dennis Moss and dimwit Bruno Barrerio. What about lobbyist Brian May? Please follow the money.
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