Monday, March 23, 2009

How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution ...

An interesting article from the current Rolling Stone Magazine... but it's not just AIG or the Big Banks: the entire supply chain from lowly zoning decision makers to city and county commissioners driven by campaign contributors provided the tinder for today's economic nightmare.


Anonymous said...

Finally a clear and comprehensive explanation of what went on and how. Cassano in London must have also clamored for the European banks to be bailed out by American taxpayers as part of the AIG deal. Too bad the article is not part of a daily newspaper. The analogies at the end, though true and sad at the same time are priceless. The most absurd aspect that the major media has obviously missed is the TOTAL BONUS AMOUNTS already paid. It is not $165 million, try at least five times that number. Thanks for the posting.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Great article.