I wish her a speedy recovery, but when you hear things like that about a liberal member of a conservative majority court, it makes you glad that there is a new sheriff in town: Obama. (Ruth, when you get home: start circulating a better photo of yourself. I couldn't stand the photo so I redid it.)
Much improved, maybe you have a new skill you can market: Blogging and photo retouching.
Honestly, there is not much you can do here...
She looks pretty good for a lady in her mid-70s, especially one suffering from a long-term illness- that cancer didn't blossom just yesterday. Let's just face it, you're not going to win a beauty contest based on smooth,lineless skin and a firm jawline at that age.
May Mrs. Ginzburg make a full recovery and enjoy many more years of health and vigor.
Really, can I send you a picture to retouch? Your work is better than the 'Lifestyle Lift' commercials!
sure, I will do it for you Judi, free!
send it to my email: geniusofdespair@yahoo.com
I want all the Gals and Guys lookin' good!
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