Back to the Lobbyists, Frank said:
“They (elected official) could simply take the position that lobbyists have nothing to say to them that can’t be said at a public meeting.” Adding: “What kind of secret deal could be negotiated with a whole bunch of public flies on the wall.”
Which brings me to the subject of the Marlins' baseball stadium bailout:
Yes I like you Mayor Carlos Alvarez but heck, no matter how I look at it: It seems stupid to do this deal especially with this bad economy. Our tax dollars need to be used judiciously during a time of crisis.
Look at what is in front of you. How many full-time jobs does the American Airlines Arena generate? This jobs mantra is just crap, we all know it. If you want to fill jobs, I need a proof reader, a researcher and a typist. Just pay me out of the fund you were going to give the baseball people. With $1 Million I would have enough money to pay all three of my future staff for 11 years at $30,000 a year (they would all make more than I do on this blog -- $30,000 more).
Does my idea sound dumb? Well it is not so far from the deal we are being peddled regarding job creation. I bet you don't get too many full time jobs from our investment out of the Marlins. Mayor: Do the job math at the American Airlines Arena before you fork over our tax dollars. That Arena is empty most of the time. And, here is a better idea for the City of Miami: Let's sell the Orange Bowl Land and then we can afford to pay all the people laid off at Macy's, Walgreens, Starbucks and the Miami Herald. I could see Matt Haggman or Chuck Rabin writing ads for buses full-time more than I can picture them selling peanuts or "Beer Here" part-time at an empty (who has money for tickets?) stadium.
Check out Michael Lewis' excellent editorial on the stadium deal.
"lobbyist" , hmm..I think we need a new definition of this word
how about "human pile of influence money"
I wonder if folks were to read this in their local paper, it might be easier to understand the evil aka lobbyists.
"after the local, elected officials met with the human pile of influence money to discuss the planned new housing development, the plan was approved."
Go Frank.
Not all lobbyists are bad, and they do serve a purpose. The truth of the matter is that not all bad, back-room deals are done with elected officials. Most of the time, they are done behind the cloak of staff. You don't hear about it, because there is nothing about that process that is public. Honestly, people who have never dealt with the process themselves really need to study it. All this idealism ignores clear realities. MIAEXILE, I know it is hard to go against the knee-jerk reaction, but, maybe you should try to educate yourself.
Lobbyists have access and power for many reasons. One of the main reasons is because they raise money to get elected officials in office.
Lobbyists should never be permitted to meet with elected officials. The only exception might be if there are amble witnesses.
what is a "amble" witness. Ok, so, under that theory, no one can ever meet with an elected official, because if they are not a lobbyist by trade, for the most
part they are there to "lobby" for something!
As Chico Escuela would say:
Beisbol been, berry, berry good to me!
Genius...I love you, but i am going to risk life and limb here in stating that when you complain about not making a salary or seeing any income from your blog, you sound like Natasha moaning about only making 6,000 a year! There are two instances in which there are no victims, only volunteers... I know, I know, you're just making a point, and i get it..I just couldnt help myself!!
Props on Chico Espuela..those were the days. Chico Espuela, Emily Latella, Rosanna Rosaanadanna. My fave was Morris as the hearing impaired guy:
Chevy: our top story tonight
Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow....
POOR ME! BOO HOO... Natacha is actually making over $50,000 with her perks. I have to pay for my own health insurance, car, etc.
Until you stand in my shoes...you cannot understand why this is always on my mind. I am hoping a lobbyist will come along and say: "I will pay you to stop writing." That would be it for me.
The no money is especially irksome to me when people nit pick.
Actually, I am preparing you for the day when I have to work full time and give this up. You, as an alert reader, will know why. Others will wonder why.
Oh my God! Not the dreaded "Having to work full time"!
How will you manage?
Yep, I will be like you surfing the internet when I should be working.
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