Daoud, a city of Miami Beach Commissioner at the time, said he got pressured by Korge to get him his first job, as an Assistant Attorney in Miami Beach. Daoud said he felt guilty using his influence to get Korge the job, but Korge begged him to do it.
In His book “Sins of South Beach” Daoud recounts two instances when Korge delivered bribes to him. One bribe he accepted. The other he did not.
The second bribe was when Daoud was facing federal criminal charges about to be indicted. He described the meeting with Korge over the bribe:
“During this crucial time, Chris Korge, my cousin and the man who had given me my first bribe as mayor, tried to bribe me again. My cousin had catapulted from his early job in the city attorney’s office to become a wealthy national political lobbyist. He was making big money — the Marriot Hotel chain had hired him as a lobbyist. They wanted to build a hotel on the only oceanfront city-owned park in South Beach. Chris offered me twenty five thousand in cash for my support and vote on the project. I refused, telling him that the FBI was about to indict me. Unbelievably, he raised the ante to fifty thousand.”
This is why reading this book is making me nauseous. The assertions made about Korge are enough to make me want to puke. Politicians treat Korge like a God. he is respected and put on Boards. But if what Daoud said in his book is true, he is nothing but low-life scum, a bottom-feeder and should be treated as such.
The circumstances of the first bribe, as Daoud describes it:
"After the swearing in (new term), my cousin, the former Chief Assistant Miami Beach Attorney Chris Korge congratulated me and handed over a large brown envelope with ten thousand dollars in cash. My cousin hadn't helped me during my election for mayor, but now he was acting as a lobbyist trying to bribe me. In one of the ironic twists that characterizes local politics, it was a campaign contribution from Jim Dougherty, now the husband of former (Miami Beach) city attorney Lucia Allen (Lucia Dougherty), who had been my close confident and lover...My cousin's candor on the matter surprised me; he was acting as a bagman for some attorney I hardly knew.
Penelas gave Korge unlimited access to the 29th floor when he was mayor. Remember that when Penelas runs for another office.
Well at least your suspicions are confirmed as what goes on in government.
I thought Lucia was a former City of Miami Assistant Attorney, not Miami Beach... Interesting that Lucia was wrapped up in all this...
Penelas will never run again for another government position, unless the economy gets so bad his law practice and investments dry up and he has to go back to the well.
Lucia was a ciy of miami beach attorney and then she became a city of miami attorney...I wonder how she feels having Daoud describe their torrid lovemaking....
It was unethical for them to be having an affair while she was the miami beach attorney and he was a commissioner...
Do you guys really think Korge is worried about what some washed up has been, living in a halfway house, says. It just adds to the aura.
Korge might not be worried... who cares? But I believe Daoud on this one.
Thank you Genius for having the courage to tell the truth about my first cousin, lawyer, lobbyist, bagman, Chris Korge. Most of the news media are terrified by his hollow threats of lawsuits. What's amazing is that not one person that I have written about including my first cousin, Chris Korge, has sued me. In an action for libel, truth is an absolute defense.
I would welcome the opportunity to confront Korge face to face, so that the truth would be publicly revealed. I have offered on numerous occasions to take a public lie detector test about the facts in my book Sins of South Beach if those that are accusing me of lying will do the same. C'mon Cousin Chris, publicly prove that you are an honest man, accept my challenge.
Alex Daoud
Three Time Mayor of Miami Beach
Author Sins of South Beach
Alex, I just finished your book a few minutes ago. It was a hard read. I am an honest person and seeing some of this on paper disturbed me. I have mixed feelings about you but recommend your book to EVERY PERSON IN MIAMI DADE COUNTY AS REQUIRED READING. Can I quote a few passages in a post?
Clinton Gore Kerry Clinton never understood how the lingering undercurrent about Korge and other big insider players/money fund raisers affected their chances down here. Unlike Kerry before him, Obama didn't need them. Thankfully.
daous is a super us attorney scum rat-convicted of fixing a federal jury -bribery extotion and perjury daoud attemped to claim bribery of him by me for city of Miami Beach legal work- false daoud was taped bu ausa gregorie doing fellatio in the mayors office while on crack-A F.O.I.A.(freedom of information request on daouds statemnts and polyagraph results shoold reveal the only act daoud did not perform was sevicing croos dressers and goverment whores -on demand -jim dougherty
In response to Jim Dougherty's fallacious comments, my name is spelled
In response to Jim Dougherty's fallacious comments my name is spelled 'DAOUD" not "daous." It is shocking that you would attack me for being convicted when you are also a CONVICTED FELON. During your legal representation of the City of Miami Beach, you continually bragged about your so-called military experience which was a total lie.
For your edification I have NEVER SMOKED CRACK and do not use drugs. But why don't we settle this the proper way. Why don't we both agree to take a lie detector test to prove who is telling the truth. Or we can have a charity MMA Fight in the ring just you against me. This should be easy for you to accept since I'm 75 years old and handicapped. Look forward to your moronic response.
Alex Daoud
Author Sins of South Beach
3-Time Mayor of Miami Beach
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