Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Whole World is Aging. by Geniusofdespair

Why are there so many damn commercials on Pharmaceuticals? Well, maybe because our population is aging and they are the commercial targets for drugs (drugs with a host of side effects recited by actors, always ending with “death”). People between the ages of 65 and 74 spend 55.1% of their day watching TV.

According to the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging: In 2020 it is projected that there will be 54.6 million over the age of 65 in the US which would amount to 16.3% of the population.

In 2006 37.3 million US citizens were over 65. That is 12.4% of the US population. Japan tops the list for 2006: with 20.4% of their population over 65. Does that mean they are just living longer (healthier)? Is having the US near the bottom of the list making the younger generations happy? They have to pay for less of our Social Security. Too early to celebrate, however, in 2050 it is projected that the over 65 number will reach 20.9% in the US.

Italy, Germany and Greece are all at 19%, they trail Japan by one point. The countries with the lowest numbers of seniors: Moldova, Argentina, Cuba and Taiwan are at 10% of their population over 65. (The study did not go lower than 10%). One perk: The television commercials must be better in these countries.


Anonymous said...

Most if not all of the drugs sold are of little or no value but they will cause major problems to the body including death. Even when a pharmaceutical company finds out for sure that their product may cause death they hide the facts as long as they can make money from selling the poison.

Anonymous said...

We aren't going to be able to afford to have these people just sit around all day and watch TV. The baby boomers are a huge segment of the population, whatever their age, they revolutionize things for people their age. They need part-time and in some cases full-time jobs, after all they have a lot of skills and experiences. Those who don't want to work, should be doing physical activities like walking, swimming, dancing, anything to keep them active. And doing volunteer work. I imagine a lot of new organizations will begin emerging to keep them busy!

Geniusofdespair said...

or they will learn about drugs by watching TV. If you have ailments, like arthritis, you don't have the desire for exercising much.

Anonymous said...

Captain obvious says: "Everyone ages exactly one day every 24 hours".

Maybe those pharmaceuticals have increase the average persons' life expectancy by 15 years over the past 50 years.

Are we complaining about that?


Anonymous said...

no not a moderate. complaining about the marketing not the drugs.