Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Who will not replace US Senator Mel Martinez: Jeb Bush... by gimleteye

The competition to replace Mel Martinez in the US Senate is being called a "$20 million" race, before it is being called anything else. Who can raise $20 million? Donors, struggling to make money the way they made it before the economic crash, or, donors wealthy enough to fund their own campaign, or, a grass roots effort using the internet to generate $20 million out of small donations. Irrespective of who raises $20 million; here is who will not be the next US Senator from Florida: Jeb Bush.

I'm not sure we've heard why Martinez has withdrawn. The press picked up on his close association with the fallen Bush dynasty and an unpopular on immigration reform; two factors that impede his re-election chances. I think there is a third: the housing market crash will be the main story in Florida for years to come. As those years unwind, it becomes more and more likely that the underlying facts of the housing crash-- including Martinez' role at HUD selling the "ownership society" -- will emerge and sink the political fortunes of anyone connected.

The next US Senator from Florida will not be anyone who was within a political or economic mile of the housing market implosion. That includes Jeb Bush.

As much as the former governor would like to defend his case and revive the promise of 1994 when he was positioned to be the leading beacon of the Republican Reformation, Jeb's political luck has run its course. His two terms as governor were marked by the unrealities of the housing market bubble. His supporters, like Al Hoffman and the production home builders, no longer have an economic model and the old one will not revive any time soon.

For my money I would like a candidate to emerge based on his or her support for Florida Hometown Democracy, the ballot measure to amend the Florida constitution. The issues of growth and the failure of leadership to provide a clear future in Florida are encapsulated in the proposal to give citizens a choice in the future of their communities.


Anonymous said...

I shore hope you are right. I can not think of a worse person to elect to office in Florida.

Anonymous said...

I will be voting for Alex Sink. The only hope the Republicans have is Connie Mack. The others are losers.

Anonymous said...

Hometown Democracy is a false god. There is no way to vote on all the master plan amendments and retain the integrity of the ballot. The number of additional pages required will wreck the voting process because the machines were never designed to handle such an enormous number of items.

Finally, Jeb was not a friend to developers as Governor. Anyone who follows the industry knows they remain vexed by his lack of support for their issues.

Anonymous said...

Marco Rubio? NO!

Anonymous said...

From Politico:
Will voters elect a Bush again?

Anonymous said...

About 10 years ago, this Bush once pointed to a satellite photo of the state and pointed to the Everglades to note all the undeveloped land. That little slip-up was done in front of a media person who was quickly hustled out of the room and away from the picture before the obvious question was asked.

Yup. He is either very dumb, totally clueless about geology, or thinking of his partnership with Codina. I would not vote for him for dog catcher.