On election day in Margolis' stronghold of Aventura for example, in precinct 103 she got 66.67% of the votes. That was 2 votes of 3 cast. This is a precinct of about 1,000 people. In Absentee Ballots she got 89.19% or 264 votes. In early voting she got 100%, which was 3 votes in this precinct.
What a waste of OUR money. They should have done a mail-in ballot. People vote by mail.
He is quiet and going to be a one termer because he wants to spend some time retired while he can enjoy it.
He's been married a long long time to same lady and he is a sitting hearing officer for the PA office. So, he must have a high tolerance for something.
You should let a little thing like the law get in the way of your analysis.
Fla. Stat. 101.6102 Mail ballot elections; limitations.--
* * *
(2) The following elections may not be conducted by mail ballot:
(a) An election at which any candidate is nominated, elected, retained, or recalled; or
Follow the money lots of overtime in a non mail election.
As to the previous post, don't know what he posted there but you certainly can have a mail election:
Mail Ballot Elections
Pursuant to section 101.6102, Florida Statutes, an election may be conducted by mail
ballot if the Secretary of State approves a written plan for the conduct of the election,
which shall include a written timetable for the conduct of the election, submitted by the
supervisor of elections. In 2001, a total of nine written plans were submitted and
approved by the Division of Elections.
A case study for a political science class, somewhere. Gwen would be a good guest speaker.
Now that we are done with that, I have a question for Mr. Garcia: seeing how our property today is only worth fifty percent of what it was, two years ago, isn't it time for a county-wide reassessment to lower assessed values to market values?
No reassessment for me, I didn't buy during the high time. I want to stay low. And other responders...if there is a law it needs to be changed to help the public exercise their rights.
A mail in absentee vote is perfectly legal. I received mine from M-D elections dept. for the runoff. Even went and checked to see it had been counted, it had.
Margolis doesn't know squat about property appraising. Garcia has a list of credentials as long as your arm.
In this particular election, but candidates were good people and both could have executed the office well but in fact, Garcia is the more qualified but less personally outgoing candidate. I am sure he will do well.
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