“Manny Diaz's track record is he's ignored the middle class. The Obama election signified that working people were going to be respected, and he's shown no respect for working people.''
Fred: You must be consistent! You have a double standard when it comes to Vile County Commissioner Natacha Seijas who you unflinchingly support. For example, she is a woman who (as reported in Miami New Times):
During a June 15, 2005 committee meeting to discuss the police department's use of Tasers on rowdy minors, Seijas recollected that some black onlookers had once mocked her at a commission meeting. When African-American Baptist minister Bishop Victor T. Curry (who was chosen just a month ago as leader of the Miami-Dade NAACP) responded that those individuals were not members of his congregation, Seijas snapped back: "Some of them looked like you." She also referred to blacks in the audience as "you people." An infuriated Curry stormed out of the commission chamber. On his radio program later that day, the pastor dubbed the commissioner "Natacha Millan Racist Seijas."
Do you call this "respect"? She has stepped on people’s rights over and over and never shows RESPECT to people. We are working people, Fred: Listen to us (this is Gimleteye's post) - withdraw your support of this woman!
If you are not willing to look at Natacha’s flaws then I don’t see how you can only focus on Diaz’s flaws. It does not compute. I have stood with you Fred Frost at the FTAA meeting and at press conferences. I support unions. But you are dead wrong on Seijas and others you support that trample on people for sport. Bad government and bad behavior has to be weeded out even if they are union friendly. You can’t wear blinders for some and look clear-eyed at others. (Everyone: check out the Carlos Miller photo of Mayor Manny Diaz election eve).
The unions supply money to candidates and manpower on election day. I hate the unions for this. They don't care who they support, what egregious things the candidates do: As long as they get a contract out of them.
The unions are unfair to Manny Diaz. He has done a lot of positive things and I think he would be good for HUD. He is not perfect, no one is. But his GREEN work is inspiring. He would be good for the country. You are right GOD, Natacha does thing DIRECTLY. Manny problems have been indirect, through the activities of the police, etc. So the unions are unfair to single him out.
I was raised in a union family but I have no respect for Frost. I have worked many polls where Frost and his minions brow beat people to vote for the worst candidates (Seijas included)just because they want their contracts. Politicians use the unions (for money and votes) and in return the unions use these politicians for their contracts. maybe that's the way it supposed to work but the result is that we get the worst politicians in power. There is more to goverence than union contracts. I have never understood how union members will vote for a politician that gives them contracts but screws them in so many other ways; it makes no sense. Union wages are the subject of much discussion (like the big 3 hand outs) and are likely to come back to reality. Their retirement benefits are outrageous. Unions have choked the goose but are unwilling to make concessions; hence they have to buy crummy politicians to keep going. Yes Frost and his ilk are killing all of us but change is comming.
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