According to the December 13th edition of the New York Times (Week In Review), Florida ranks first in the country for Convicted Public Officials at 824. I’m proud...
Florida has about 8 times as many as they have in Connecticut. California has twice our population but 277 less convicted officials, their total is 547.
We're numero uno.
what's up with the "tunnel"?
This is a good number for Florida. It shows that law enforcement is doing its job. The others have more uncaught crooks.
Duh...I don't think so.
This number is bogus, the reality is this is more like ten percent of what really goes on. The SAO and public corruption units are weak and their budgets reflect that. The media examination process of public officials is just as weak.
I tend to agree. We should have MANY MANY more if the investigative bodies were doing their job properly.
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