After the deferment, Dennis Moss was sworn in, with a lot of fanfare, as County Commission Chair. That God-awful Pepe Diaz was sworn in as Vice Chair. It is lucky he doesn’t get to do anything.

What can we expect from Moss? Well, one thing, Vile Natacha Seijas is not holding any puppet stings on him. We might see some good Committee appointments...well at least BETTER Committee Appointments. We have 8 blogs on Moss (by comparison we have 192 blogs on Seijas), none of them are really bad and he is thankfully, NOT one of the unreformable majority. Let’s hope for the best. From this photo, it looks like God was in the Commission Chambers shining down on Dennis (or there was a very quiet explosion)!
Will this be a new beginning or more of the same? We will quickly find out.
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Moss has supported a few things that show his lust for more Commissioner power. I can't think of them just now. You are right he is not as bad as some of the others. He does have some lapses.
Why is Mayor Alvarez's photo BEHIND the door in the Ante Chamber of the commission? I was there today and thought it disrespectfully placed.
Just to have a meeting where we don't have imagine what is going on in Bruno's mind, all those hours he's on the dais... Or Joe Martinez.
Moss will do a good job. Natasha cannot be happy that she got played on this one. Im sure she is happy enough for Dennis, but maybe, just maybe, we have turned a corner where she is not pulling all the strings.
Martinez did sound glib in the NPR story, but there is something to the fact that the UDB was drawn with no real scientific data. Oh well...deferral..do we know to when?
One thing I will always be forever grateful to Mr Moss for is the passage of the anti-gay discrimination rules for Dade County. He and the always wonderful Katy Sorenson were the big drivers of that.
Do I expect change with the county commission? Absolutely not.
Moss's Aide was Sandy Walker at one time, or was she his chief of staff? Sandy, if you all remembered is the disgraced/arrested lobbyist -- sister of Barbara Jordan, owner of that religious Newspaper.
Not only is Sandy the sister of Jordan but also the sister of mega crook Mayor of FL City Otis Wallace. Moss voted for the failed Florida City Commons and will vote for moving the UDB when he gets his price. Moss and Otis are attached at the hip. Neither are to be trusted. He will lie and hide when confronted. He has his goons on the ground.
The UDB was first established as a requirement of the Growth Management Act. The service line was drawn to separate areas with city services from areas without services. The UDB is a service boundary and much of the CDMP text addresses lower services outside the UDB; no city water, no sewer, no new roads, etc. It was drawn to be logical and was "scientific". Today's UDB bears little resemblence to the original location as it has been moved for growth. The CDMP is well thought out in that urban expansion areas have been designated to be absorbed first and the line can be moved if supply inside th UDB is not adequit for growth. Just because the builders and Joe Martinez don't like it does not mean it was not and is not the result of careful study.
The concept and the original intent may have been more scientific than the UDB in its current state. Even back when it was formed, the original boundaries didn't make good planning sense. They had to account for the terrible planning that had already occurred before the whole concept of controlled growth came about. And there was undoubtedly a great deal of political wrangling that went into figuring who was in and who was out.
The line is so messed up now because politicians like Joe move it against planning staff objections and the foot-thick mound of statistics saying the county has plenty of capacity for growth. Joe just decides that the builders present "science" and the County offers opinion. He learned a thing or two from Karl Rove I guess.
If you look at a chart of the UDB over time, you will see that the line moved every two years until the enactment of the two-thirds rule in the mid-1990s. The line can only be moved every two years, so essentially it moved consistently from 1978 through 1996. The line held until 2002 when Armando Codina broke through with the terrible precedent of Beacon Lakes. Now we're dealing with regular assaults on the line since the builders have seen that it can be breached once again.
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