Monday, November 03, 2008

Election day coverage from Eyeonmiami ... by gimleteye

If there are any undecideds reading our blog today, check out the "archive feature" under "presidential election" and "housing crash" for details that can help inform about the issues. It is organized by chronology of events affecting our communities as they occurred over the past two years.

For two years, every day, we have put down the case for change in Florida.

By Wednesday morning, America will have elected a new president to take office on January 20, 2009. We pray that our national election is conducted safely, assuring that every vote will be counted. In Florida alone, there are thousands of poll watchers and attorneys volunteering their time to make sure this election isn't stolen.

Tomorrow we will be blogging all day about what is happening: tune in. Send us your comments and observations throughout the day. We will be posting information in real time from around the nation on the voting process, so keep checking in and urge your friends to do the same.


Geniusofdespair said...

I will be voting tomorrow so I guess you will be doing all the posting gimleteye unless it is a quick process.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how ANYONE could still be undecided. Arrrgh!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the ad which features firefighters commenting on how wonderful Ileana Ross Leightein has been for them? It sure looks like the ad is filemed in an actual fire station with actual fire trucks. Is that ethical or legal? Can anyone rent a municipal property to use in a political ad?

Steve Hagen, Miami