Yes it is a pain in the ass to go to these stupid downtown meetings but the squeaky wheel gets the oil. If you don’t go, your view will be ignored, so at the very least: Submit written comments. You can watch it on TV, all the info is on the flyer at left.
The good news, I went to the last strategic plan meeting and they basically ignored most of the outcome...but boy, were there a lot of people with their hands out at the meeting, i.e. museums, cultural groups, etc. trying to get their hands on Parks and Recreation dollars. Luckily we had a lot of “Our Own People” at the gathering which neutralized the others. You should note, staff also participates in this forum (totally unfair). Look at their Business Plan. You can also comment on line and I urge you to do so. Here is the link. It doesn’t really work (will report it) because all I could choose was "Economic Development" from the list. Just write in the Subject you are responding to, do more than one please.
They say:
“Miami-Dade County's Strategic Plan is the cornerstone of our results-oriented government. Budget decisions are based on the priorities identified through our strategic planning process. Each department develops a Business Plan that outlines how their key activities will support Strategic Plan priorities. During the next few months, we will be asking for input from a variety of sources to help us refresh our Strategic Plan...”
I was on the last strategic planning committee called by Shiver. What a joke. It was dominated by county staff. The residents quit going and staff did their thing. I hope Mayor Alvarez does a better job than Penalas/Shiver.
It is rumored that there will be an all-out assualt on agriculture.In the last one, about 7 years ago, we managed to get into the plan "no net loss of agriculture". This has irritated the Dade County Farm Bureau and developers ever since. The Farm Bureau desperately wants this to go away. Log onto www. miamidade.gov and follow the instructions to watch it on your computer. If you are lucky enough to have cable, watch it on the Miami-Dade channel. Call, e-mail, write or attend. It's that important!
Just like I said Staff was there, few residents. But, staff can be more reasonable because they know the stakes.
your link to provide feedback isn't working.
I found this one...
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