Bad: “Katherine Cue, whose mother Carmen Cue serves as the city's (Hialeah) communications director, was named as the successor to former Council President Esteban Bovo's seat.”
Staff to Government Nepotism, Carmen now has a lock on her job...which might include circulating this picture of her daughter/student, with the press release.
Worse: Katherine was a former staffer to Mayor Julio Robaina.
Worse still, Katherine actuallly said:
“I feel very honored that I will be able to work with such great leaders, people who have been great role models for me."
An independent voice?.....LOL! Well, at least she is pretty. Do you think this photo is from her Mis Quince party?
Politics has made strange bedfellows in Hialeah, home of one voice, no discussion and the puppet council. What ever happened to Democracy? Seems that in the sixties, seventies, eighties and even the nineties, Hialeah enjoyed spirited debate and diverse points of view on the city council. Today the council members collect around $40,000 a year to agree with the Mayor.
What is the point? Our streets are a mess, the mayor's friends have horribly messy lots and code enforcement is no where to be found. So why not appoint a student who will follow in the same steps as the status quo.
No questions asked, let's vote for the 21 year old for the council. 6 votes in favor, no votes against--rubber stamp the mayor. Woo hoo!
The Hialeah council and mayor pick a 21-year-old college student to join the City Council as if it is the student council. Wait a minute, the prospective new councilwoman's mom works for the city too.
If memory serves correctly, the mother's communications department did not used to exist. In fact, mom Carmen Cue was fired from the city's Park's and Rec department a few years back. But wait a minute, Julio Robaina came to the rescue, created a communications position for her and wa la--a star is born.
Nah, could it be, something smells fishy in Hialeah? But it is a land bound community you say. Don't forget, the Miami Canal borders the city and their are many other canals and lakes in Hialeah, so it is possible to smell something fishy in Hialeah.
Some activists in Hialeah suggested a special election be called. Too much money says the Council. So what about appointing someone with experience to serve the one year remaining on Rep. Steve Bovo's term. Nah, let's pick the school kid. If she get's out of hand, we will fix her through her mom.
Let's forget about any body that actually ran before, or served on the council before: they might have ideas of their own. Yeah, let's pick the former beauty queen so that Councilman Jose Caragol can dream of more blow jobs, excuse me, remember he of "if you like oral sex, vote for Caragol"?
Yeah, let's impress the limp men on the council to sit and enjoy themselves watching the very cute Katherine Cue learn the ropes from this very experienced, no nothing city council.
Ahh, Democracy lives. It lives somewhere, it just isn't in Hialeah!
October 19, 2004
Welcome to the first edition of Miss Florida USA’s (and Miss Florida Teen USA’s!) Face & Places. The weekly news of everything relating to our pageant, alumni, friends and family! We think our fans will enjoy being up to date! This week we visited the first ever Miss Hialeah Teen USA Pageant.
Miss Hialeah Teen USA:
As soon as I entered the hall I was greeted by the lovely Cue Girls – Carmen and Katherine (FTUSA ’04 4th ru)! What a great pageant they ran for the young ladies of Hialeah.
Mom (Carmen) and daughter (Katherine) both look great and the place was packed and a complete sellout! Katherine caught us up with her career. I always knew she was a talented singer (I have a demo tape of her a 12 years old!) but it seems that her career is about to break. She was speaking of hearing her first single on Miami radio that day. Congratulations Katherine, we will be looking for you on MTV any day!
From the post above: it appears she has had a career change.
Dear Hialeah Purchasing Dept.:
Due to personnel changes on the Dais, the Council will no longer be needing Viagra delivery. We can save short tax dollars.
I remain proud to be a Hialeahan,
Councilman Caragol
Dear Hialeah Council friends,
How could you do this to me? After having served with distinction on the Hialeah Council and Miami-Dade County Commission, now you are nominating a very smart young lady with looks to serve on the council?
She will surely overtake me soon, and I will have to finally retire. Not fair, not fair at all.
Commissioner Natacha Seijas
'Hialeah pretty' I guess. Far from hot enough to give a job away to though.
Did you know she was also the first ever Little Miss Hialeah? back when her mom was in the Parks and Recreation dept?
Seems like mami has been paving the way for Katie for quite some time now.
Irony: my word verification is 'reeks.'
Tombstone Blues
The sweet pretty things are in bed now of course
The city fathers they're trying to endorse
The reincarnation of Paul Revere's horse
But the town has no need to be nervous
I've had many internships in government. Hell, I'll take the job for $30k... if only I lived in Hialeah :-(
It is obvious that many people wanted this position. The bitterness is evident in the comments stated above. Katherine's mom could not place her there to secure her job. If she had that kind of authority she would not need any safety blanket. Carmen (mom) was never fired from the city's parks and rec. Get your facts straight. The department was created because the city needed someone to overlook the events and find sponsorship. Every concert, art festival, holiday celebration or other event that everyone making these accusations has ever enjoyed is put on by her department. Since her department began more upscale businesses have opened their doors to Hialeah. I do not see her needing anyone to secure her job. She does a damn good job of it herself. As far as Katherine's appointment, she has earned the trust of principals, teachers, parents and kids in the schools throughout the city. In her role in the City Council she will continue to work in the education area. This is what made her the best candidate for the position. Her experience in dealing with the schools and solving issues for them made her stand out amongst other candidates. She is already familiar with the needs of each particular school and can continue to adopt methods for resolving each issue. It seems that people in this blog all came together and decided that unattractive people are better suited for the position. I don't see where being beautiful can affect her in any way. As a parent I think my children would rather see an attractive young lady who has been successful as a role model than a someone who is older and they can not relate to in any way.
Poster above, you said:
"As a parent I think my children would rather see an attractive young lady who has been successful as a role model than a someone who is older and they can not relate to in any way."
Anyone who would not believe that children relate better to a young person who they can see as a role model is the one out of their mind. Do you really think that our kids feel that they can relate to an older person that they do not feel comfortable with and intimidates them? Someone who if older must have a strong accent and they can hardly understand them when they speak. Someone who because they are old school does not understand their needs and only believes in discipline? Who is out of their mind?
To the post asking if I am out of my mind: Why would any one who thinks that children relate better to people closer to their age be out of their mind. Do you really think sending someone older that will intimidate them and make them feel like the person only went there to discipline them would make them more comfortable. I guess you do not have children. I know that my 12 year old daughter is not alone when she she dresses like Demi Lovatto or follows examples from Ashley Tisdale. This is because she wants to be like them. I never see her try to dress like Hilary Clinton or Jacklyn Smith. Although these are very respectable women who are successful and have made a name for themselves. This is what we need to look at. Who is it that our children are going to relate to.
This woman is there to make laws and policy not to relate to children or teenagers. If you want a role model, keep her in the beauty pageants or have her do volunteer work with kids. Government is about serious stuff not providing role models that think that particular government body is her role models. The day Caragol
becomes a role model TO ANYONE, is a sad day indeed. I believe you are pretty nutty ...if this is your belief system.
To geniusofdespair: I agree with you in the sense that this woman is there to make laws and policy but as nutty as you might think I am.... I believe that she also has a part in our kids education. She is already familiar with the needs. Who do you think would understand better that having a baseball team or a cheerleading squad ect.... would motivate children to perform better in school? Someone who is young and has fresh ideas or someone who is old school and believes that the extracurricular activities take time from the curriculum of academics. By relating with children I mean.... understand their needs. This is what will help this woman try to pass the laws and policies that you and I are looking for.
We have schools for that. This woman is there to govern. Simple that is it.
And because you are pretty or young does not a role model make.
Girls should be looking at Eleanor Roosevelt, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Hillary Clinton, Condi Rice, Susan B. Anthony, Laura Bush even, not a beauty queen from Hialeah. I am not going to argue with you. I think I would barf if my daughter looked up to this woman who got where she got because she is connected and pretty.
The members of our city commission are not doing the right thing putting Katherine Cue in that position. Maybe it is something that is not legal to do because she was working for the city when they voted for her. That is not legal and the people can protest it. Someone should see closely the activities of her mother Carmen and think for yourself what I mean with that if you are smart enough.
It is wrong for the city commissioners of Hialeah to name Katherine Cue to the council seat because she was working for the city when they voted and this is not a legal thing to do. They are all so stupid they do not even know the laws or ask a question about it. They only do what they are told to do and say yes all the time. Another thing is for someone to look at the mother Carmen and her actions if you know what I say and are smart to understand it. I think Katherine Cue is going to bring trouble to everyone.
Maybe the young councilwomen will convince the Mayor to fill out an application for the "Biggest Loser." That guy has had one too many croquetas.
As an employee of Hialeah, I can vouch that things are fishy on the Mayor's floor. That bad thing about Hialeah though is that the residents do not realize how bad things are in City Hall. I bet former Mayor Martinez showed the councilmen how to squander city money to foreign banks. A few City Hall staff were arrested during the past year for accepting bribes. Why didnt that make the news? Hmmm....? I suggest concerned citizens get their act straight and demand better representation!
Katherine and her mother Carmen are very well respected ladies of the commnunity. Those who are jealous should refrain from such
immature comments.. I know the family very well ..and just maybe they want a btter place to live.
I had to leave Hialeah becaus of all the trash thaT CAME TO LIVE THERE, maybe they can clean it up!!!! Just maybe they will correct this. You go girls!!
Carmen...from your long lost friend Dottie!!!!!!!!!
The level of ignorance and immaturity I capture from some of the above comments prompts me to add my own.
A child relates to a person not based on age or beauty, but knows when someone makes them feel comfortable, loved and safe, when that person teaches them and is fun to be with, listens to them, encourages them, enlightens them and gives them good advice. I use to enjoy my grandmother's stories of her youth and what seemed to me were adventures; she loved hearing about my school day crushes and disco-dancing nights. She was very old - and very wise.
And wise is the person who learns from the old. You never forget anyone who teaches you something. Each time you perform that tiny task they taught you, they come to mind. I have learned a lot more in my life from older people than younger ones, from people of other cultures and other countries, people who have been very different from me. It is a treasure to know this.
On the other hand, a young person is equally capable of doing a good job, teaching the very young and setting a good example. Perhaps, on a government position, they might have a higher level of energy, but this might not always be the case, as there are also many spunky older people. To understand this is important.
On the subject of Katherine Cue, the question is if she met with the qualifications of serving on the city council when appointed. She did not. She was employed by the city of Hialeah when she was appointed, did not live in Hialeah and has probably been commiting voter fraud. Mayor Robaina wanted her there and it was done as he wished. The facts would have been the same regardless of the person's age.
Miss Cue simply does not meet with the qualifications to have been placed or elected to the city council, and even the judge who could not (or would not) see what was presented in black & white is corrupted. While I have my concerns about Danny Bolanos, the documents do not lie. They are facts.
Katherine Cue does not merit the position she fills and she is very lucky we didn't distribute "Voter Alert" notices throughout Hialeah.
She wanted to be a singer, here she is singing "Orange Colored Sky" on the old TV show Destination Stardom:
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