"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Barack Obama attracting 48% of the vote while John McCain earns 43%. When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 51%, McCain 45%. This is the highest level of support enjoyed by Obama at any point in Election 2008."
And: Gallup Daily 9/1/08: "Obama Maintains 6-Point Lead, 49% to 43% McCain sees 2-point bump since Palin vice presidential announcement."
Why do you do this to yourself? Obama got some bounce which is fading fast. CNN has him up 1 and Rasmussen up 3 as of today. We've elected one true liberal in the last 40 years and 1 dem in the last 25 and the true liberal, Carter, was the worst presidet of all time. I know you have hope and you hope about change but being hopeful won't get you anything but hurt feeling on 11/4
Just play Air America host tapes when Bush won his second term, they were catatonic and hitting the anti-depressants pretty hard.
I reported on 2 polls. What are you reading into this. Wanted to see the Palin factor. I didn't write one word: I reported on what the polls said on their websites. You pubs out of Virginia are a bit wacky.
First poster, McCain lost me (leaner) and this will be the first time I have voted for a Democratic President - EVER. Yes, I admit it, I voted for Bush and I am sick about it. Do you know how many truly decent and dissapointed people ("folks") are going this way. There is no bounce in my shoes. I believe I may represent a serious segment of our society. I believe McCain may be headed for dark days.
Hey, no doubts Bush has been pretty much a disaster - but Bush and McCain are ENTIRELY different people - you should take a closer look at McCain - I know Barry has been doing a good job of calling it a 3rd term of Bush - but it ain't
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