Monday, September 08, 2008

Former POW Sounds Off on John McCain. By Geniusofdespair

Fellow prisoner of war with John McCain, Phillip Butler -- who has two Silver Stars, two Purple Hearts two Bronze Stars and two Legions of Merit medals -- weighs in on John McCain. He knew McCain at the Naval Academy as well as in the prison camp (the guy claims he was in the prison camp 2 1/2 years before John McCain arrived). This Viet Nam war hero says: "John McCain is not someone I would like to see with his finger near the red button." Here is the video, you can hear Butler yourself and make your own judgment.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an envious old man on that video:


Anonymous said...

As a WW2 vet I know that the terrible experiences John McCain went through show he did his all for his Country but nothing in his war experience prepares him in any way to be President, no more then the thousands of other POW's. In reality his background would make a terrible President. We would ba at war wih everybody and have no friends in the World.

Anonymous said...

So lets review Mr Butler's arguments why McCain is unqualified to be president.

1. He knew McCain 45 years and found McCain to be impulsive and volatile.

2. When he knew McCain 45 years ago, McCain was not religious so he really cannot be a religious person today.

3. Being a prisoner of war does not qualify one to become president. Also, prisoners of war suffer physical ailments and dies earlier than the average person.

4. McCain was not the only prisoner war and therefore does not deserve to be considered a hero as he is portrayed in the press.

Thank you Genius of Despair for wasting our time with this irrelevant nonsense. Mr. Butler knew McCain more than 4 decades ago. It is ludicrous to offer testimony regarding the beliefs or temperament of man that you knew so many years before and at an entirely different stage in his life.

Moreover the fact that McCain was a prisoner of war does not qualify him to serve as president - his 22 years as a Senator and 4 years prior as a Congressman does. Mr. Butler's comments about McCain being portrayed as a hero is not worth discussion.

As for the authors of this blog: I enjoy reading your take on local politics, but it seems your understanding of politics and current events stops at the county line.

I will probably stop reading your blog as I find your arguments against McCain and your attacks on Palin offensive to your readers who need to make a real decision based on facts an not on the sensational nonsense that you offer here.

You should be ashamed of yourselves for offering garbage instead of substance when you have educated and informed readers who care ( less so now I would hope) about your opinions.

If you really believe that Barack Obama should be president, why don't you offer evidence supporting your belief. Tell us why he is qualified to lead this nation and of his many achievements. The fact that he does not really have anything worth mentioning is something you will have to contend with along with every other educated and caring voter who should not be fooled by the catch phrase "change".

Geniusofdespair said...

Sorry to lose you reader. I respect your views and thus publish your comments. We can agree to disagree.

Trust me, none of our readers (NOT ONE) are going to change their mind on anything by reading this blog.

People are too polarized to be swayed.

Much of what I post is posted without an opinion...let people think what they want. You gave your critique which is much more than I have said about the video. In fact, I just posted it without saying anything.

Good luck and thank you for reading our blog in the past. Hope you find a like minded blog that you will enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Who on here still has the same temperment they had when they were 19 or 20 years old? To claim that because someone acted one way when they were in their early 20s that they would act the same way 50 years later is bogus.

If Obama did cocain in his 20s, does that mean he still does it now? Probably not. But according to this guy's logic, he still does.


Geniusofdespair said...

if not for the voice given to the SWIFT BOAT people destroying Kerry's campaign, this guys video would not even be an issues. This is tit for tat. You can't have it both ways at your whim.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't there any pictures of the flags thrown out by the Obama campaign at Invesco Field? Why don't you have the video of Obama with his hands clasped as the National Anthem is being played? They are available on as well. As far as stopping at the county line, I disagree, the blog is great, but I would encourage you to look at both sides a bit closer. This is almost like MSNBC lately.

Anonymous said...

I was against your fukn wars 40 years ago and I'm still against them!