Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bush Pro's: McCain might be a maverick, but he's "our" maverick ... by gimleteye

Bush campaign pros are rushing to Alaska to prop up Sarah Palin who has yet to answer an unscripted nanosecond with the mainstream media. They've got to put the blanket over her "smug and sarcastic" while building the case for cultural and gender grievance over any perceived slight. So far, so good.

Meanwhile, the Obama Camp sees that McCain, far from running from George Bush, has embraced his White House political operatives who schooled at the knee of Karl Rove-- the man who destroyed the McCain 2000 campaign in South Carolina. Bush operatives have taken over key campaign positions-- the equivalent of a political bailout--, including the deployment of tactics like the SWIFTBOAT committee that brought Kerry's 2004 campaign down.

If the Bush redcoats have proven anything, they can't govern worth a damn but they do know how to win elections, by hook or by crook; by 527's scattering chaos or by state elections supervisors. Obama's supporters are rallying the 527 troops to fight the building conflagration.

The Mark Ambinder
Quietly, Obama Campaign Calls In The Calvary
09 Sep 2008 07:41 am

There's been a spurt of 527 activity on behalf of Sen. John McCain, but Barack Obama campaign has suddenly gone silent on the subject.

That's because, after of year of telling donors not to contribute to 527 groups, of encouraging strategists not to form them and of suggesting that outside messaging efforts would not be welcome in Obama's Democratic Party, Obama's strategists have changed their approach.

An Obama adviser privy to the campaign's internal thinking on the matter says that, with less than two months before the election and with the realization that Republicans have achieved financial parity with Democrats, they hope that Democratic allies -- what another campaign aide termed "the cavalry" -- with come to Obama's aid.

The Obama campaign can't ask donors to form outside groups; it can only communicate, through the public and the media, with body language, tells and hints.

The upshot: Obama's campaign will no longer object to independent efforts that hammer John McCain, just as, in their mind, the McCain campaign has not objected to those efforts targeted at Obama. "I assume with their 527s stirring, some [Democratic] ones will as well," another senior campaign official said.

The money is there. The top two 527s -- the Service Employees International Union and America Votes -- are liberal in orientation. The SEIU fund has contributed to other 527 efforts, and America Votes has earmarked most of its money for what it calls the "largest grassroots voter mobilization" in history. The third largest 527 -- American Solutions Winning the Future -- belongs to Newt Gingrich, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The AFL-CIO has budgeted more than $53 million for messaging and turnout efforts and has run a limited flight of ads featuring veterans criticizing McCain. But they've shied away from larger-scale campaigns in part because they believe -- or believed -- that the Obama campaign did not want them mounted.

In April, after Progressive Media USA, a group formed by Republican-turned-Democratic media critic Matt Brock and the Center for American Progress, announced plans for a $40 million ad campaign against McCain, the Obama campaign send word through associates that donors would be discouraged from raising money for it. After the primaries ended, Brock turned the group into a much-less expensive opposition research concern. Brock and Podesta, both allies of the Clinton faction of the party, bowed to the reality that the Obama campaign wanted to centralize everything -- message, advertising and field operations -- in Chicago.

The campaign cannot coordinate with most outside groups, and they worry that a major 527 effort by Republicans could tilt a balanced electorate toward McCain and erase the resource advantage that Obama and Democrats have accumulated.

The New York Sun reported Monday that a Sacramento Republican linked to a McCain bundler is raising money for a new group called "Leadership for America's Future."

** The American Issues Project is spending $3m on a battleground state ad campaign that ties Obama to ex-Weatherman William Ayres.

** Freedom's Watch, which plays mostly in House elections, has spent nearly $500,000 worth of hard money on ads against Obama.

** Vets for Freedom plans a $10m campaign on ads touting the Bush Administration's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

** The Republican Majority Campaign has tallied more than $1.3 million in independent expenditures against Obama.


Anonymous said...

American doesn't want Obama to be their President. They just wanted him to defeat that witch Hillary in the primaries.

American is now in love with Sarah Palin. She is to Obama what Obama was to Hillary.

So sorry, Gimleteye. Have that good, hard cry as soon as you can. This election is over. Better luck next time.

Adam said...

I am pretty sure that american is still voting for obama.

Anonymous said...

I guess Sarah Palin lover is also Maria S?

Can sarcastic comments make up for true conversation?

I don't think Sarah is running for President. Of course, she may be and the public hasn't noticed yet.

I am not overwhelmed with any of them. However, I do know a few things about the campaign, and I suspect that McCain as president will continue to vote along the party lines. Unless, he wins and becomes an independent again, which would leave some very confused republicans. Maybe, some snookered ones, even.

McCain voted 90% of the time with Bush, and admits it like it is something to brag about. Ms. Palin is dangerous and focused on her own agenda, which as a moderate, middle-of-the-road person doesn't seem to be mine. They were stating that Obama came out of no where. If he did, what is Palin's shooting star called?

Nope, I cannot do this. I need a change of party and face. I would rather have a young president who grows up with my son, than an older president who is a ghost of the previous administration.

Anonymous said...

Adam-yes Bama will get his share of votes...but the tide has turned and when all is said and done America will elect McCain/Palin into office.
On the 527 issue, please spare us the rhetoric of the D's not spending millions of dollars against the R's.
Does the name Soros mean anything? What about Oprah, etc, etc, etc...The expansive liberal media, the Hollywood left, the numerous attack blogs (this one fits that mold). Millions have been spent already and many more will come.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Democrats keep losing elections because they keep offering Leftwing elitists to the American people.
Democrats, its NOT the Swiftboats or Karl Rove -- its YOU!