Tuesday, September 30, 2008

777: It is all in the number! By Geniusofdespair

First, I agree with Fred Grimm on the bail-out , so I don’t have to have to write my own opinion (he wrote it):

“But that angry, amorphous creature, the public, couldn't abide the notion of rescuing Wall Street, even if it was in their own self-interest. It was as if passengers on a sinking cruise ship refused to launch the lifeboats -- not if it meant saving the damn crew who got us into this fix.”

So, I have nothing else to do today except focus on that number “777.” It is intriguing. 7 days to create the earth, you know that sort of thing. Here is some 777 stuff I found on the web including this wacky book with a title: 777 (oh I also found it was "666" that represented the devil not "777"):

The addition of the numbers in these hebrew letters is a process called Gematria. Gematria attempts to explain the significance of things, and compare words or phrases that have the same numbers in relation to one another. There are potentially hundreds of phrases and words that equate to the gematria of 777. Here is one that is interesting:

A concept that demonstrates the significance of 777 comes from the Kabbalistic diagram of the Tree of Life. Between each sphere on the tree, there is a path. All in all, there are 22 paths, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. If you notice a concept referred to as the flaming sword that follows these specific paths, it has the gematria of 777. The paths are aleph, daleth, gimel, teth, lamed, nun, peh, resh, and tav. Now, because there is no actual corresponding path from the flaming sword and the Tree of Life, gimel is attributed to this 'phantom' path. None the less, you get 777.


This number joins together the principles of the man, 700, the cosmic plans, 70, and their image in the Archetype, 7, according to R. Allendy. It is the universal organization, 7 + 7 + 7 = 21, the general evolution.

Anyone else have some 777 spooky stuff?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no 7 stories but I also liked Grimm's column today.