Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Shame on Miami Dade Voters. By Geniusofdespair

Registered Voters: 1,170,135
Ballots Cast: 160,492
Voter Turnout: 13.72%
What a disappointment.


Anonymous said...

Is there any wonder why there is such a low voter turn out!

The reason for a low turn out of voters is because most folks know little or care less about the issues that are on this ballot during this election.

Why are we not being offered the opportunity and right to vote on the real issues that concern us all?

UDB Line

Property taxes, mass transposition, schools

Mega Scam

Marlins Stadium

Miami River

Downtown Miami



Glut of housing


County commissioner’s salary

Pensions for police, fireman and retired elected leaders that are eating away at our budget

Illegal spot zoning of neighborhoods

Big box stores entering residential communities or being inappropriately permitted in C-1 zoned properties

Perhaps we are not being offered the opportunity and right to vote on the real issues that concern us all, because our elected leaders are afraid they already know what the citizens want and it is not much to their liking and best interest.

Place the real important issues on the ballot and you will see that more folks will care to come out and vote.

Harry Emilio Gottlieb

The Plant Man said...

just read the average comment on the herald website and consider this...

those are the people who are actually READING the paper!

Anonymous said...

Low voter turnout always favors the incumbents. The political machines will get the faithful out to vote and there is no opposition vote. Aguirre made a good showing against Seijas. Think what could have happened if more voters turned out.

Anonymous said...

Let's start the petition for term limits for the commissioners. How else can the citizens rid themselves of the rotten apples? The present system allows each commissioner to absolutely control his/her district, while sticking their noses and deciding the fate of the entire county but those outside their districts have no say in their reelection. Do you still wonder why such a low voter turnout?

Anonymous said...

YES! term limits. Start the petition NOW.

Anonymous said...

Not only was the turnout small, there was a huge absentee ballot percentage incorprorated into the vote. Hummmmmm.

Anonymous said...

What else is new? Absentee ballots are manipulated to their advantage by PACs, unions, and any other of their supporters. Another petition to stop this illegal practice?

Anonymous said...

To the first anon:

What's more important than voting for the PEOPLE who make the DECISIONS on those very issues?!

I'm tired of being the only one with the "I voted" sticker I see all day.

And to everyone else with excuses: Stop whining and start doing something about it.