Garica portrayed the announcement as an invitation to debate the issues, and not a "hostile" attempt to back his opponent into a corner. He also said that the campaign had been reduced to 30 second sound bites and analysis about who had raised the most money: "Instead of making this a campaign about money it should be a campaign about solving our country's problems," he said. "We both know the problems are there. He has one solution, I happen to disagree with many of his responses.."
Carlos Curbelo, Diaz-Balart's spokesperson, said:
the congressman had already agreed to attend a town hall meeting run by a group called Generation Exchange on Aug 22. He also said that debate proposed by Univision for September would not be possible because Congress will be session.
We'll be following up with Univision to see if and when they plan to hold an event, and once we get a hold of Garcia’s suggested dates, we'll see what the Diaz-Balart campaign has to say. The rule of thumb tends to be that debates favor challengers, so it should be no surprise that Garcia's pushing for more, while Diaz-Balart isn't saying no, but not quite yes either.
And if Mario Diaz-Balart is indeed open to discussion, we hope he'll be willing to take questions from Eye on Miami, as he originally seemed to indicate he would. All you Diaz-Balart fans in the audience, hold steady, we hope to get a "Yes" answer sometime today. Si se puede.
Generation Engage is a group trying to get young people paying attention to politics.
An event with Generation Engage in the Grove isn't enough.
Diaz-Balart needs to face the people in his own district. Is he really so scared of them he's not willing to meet his opponent less than a half hour away (much more if you live in Florida City)?
The Kendall Federation of Homeowners Associations had a candidate forum Monday night. In 2006, Diaz-Balart participated. Why not this time?
Anon---If you want to talk with the Congressman, call his office and ask for a meeting. That is the normal way. There is a huge difference between the Congressman's schedule and Joe Garcia's. Diaz-Balart is employed and has a job to do; in DC and here. Joe apparently does not have much to do and has all the time in the world.
Joe Garcia is getting a bit ahead of himself. Maybe he should move into District 25 before asking for a debate. The guy lives on South Beach and wants to represent an area west of the Turnpike. Is that serious??? What a joke!
Joe seems to be accessible. Federal Funding for South Florida and our energy position are two areas he really wants to focus on.
Mario seems poised, polished. I saw him on Sunday morning television this last week. Yet, he really hasn't done that much with funding. Some call him a one-trick pony. Not sure --
It would be nice to hear both sides of this race on the blog. Perhaps we could have a pre-debate-debate. (Politely, I hope)
Anyone who picks at Joe Garcia for not living in this district is a moron and probably like 2 years old and doesnt remember that Mario never lived in it either before he drew it for himself.
if you live in South Florida then you know that Mario Diazbalart doesnt do shit.
This guy sits on the transportation committee in congress and we have the worst traffic in the country.
What a joke...
I'm 100 percent for Joe Garcia, and I know he's an eloquent speaker with splendid brainpower and ideas. So I doubt Mario D-B will risk his skin in a debate with Joe Garcia. Where Joe happens to live now is not important. He knows the problems of Florida and Miami-Dade and the 25th District perfectly well. Part of the solution is removing Bush rubberstamps from office.
It's about time that Mario steps up to the plate and takes responsibility for his actions. He has been a failure his entire congressional career and is scared that he will be publicly humiliated when he can't speak about the issues. Joe will win.
And btw, to answer what one person said, Joe doesn't live in the district yet but neither did Mario until he became elected. Get your facts straight before you criticize.
you can run in a district without living there???
Joe isn't hiding from the issues. Mario has already run away twice from debating Joe. Maybe being in office since 2002 hasn't been enough time for him to know what the community needs. Maybe he needs more time learn about the issues, seeing as preventing kids to go play baseball isn't the district's number one concern. And, if people would do their research they’d know that Joe was actually raised in the district and went to school in the district. If you are going to attempt that argument, at least get your facts straight.
There are some really dumb comments being posted in favor of Garcia...
"This guy sits on the transportation committee in congress and we have the worst traffic in the country.
What a joke..."
as if singlehandedly at the swipe of the magic wand, our traffic mess can be fixed...
"Where Joe happens to live now is not important. He knows the problems of Florida and Miami-Dade and the 25th District perfectly well. Part of the solution is removing Bush rubberstamps from office."
what a fairy tale---he knows the district problems but he does not live there...and the one of Bush rubberstampers-ha ha ha...Larry this is by far, a better thing than an Obama or Pelosi rubberstamper which is what you want.
And then you have the other two idiots calling people names and using bad words. Does not say much about some of you out there in the the Dem Party. Constantly attacking people and the Rep Party.
@Genius: The law only requires you be a registered voter in Florida to run for any seat in Congress. Mario Diaz-Balart took 3 years to move into the district.
you mean I could have run for that seat?
You're right Joe supporters, We should applaud Joe for living in a district that was never "district 25" until D-B drew it. What happened when South Beach Joe was growing up and in high school are quite different then whats going on this day and age. D-B is representing his district while Joe is drinking with her underage girls at clubs, walking South Beach for votes, and looking like a clown wearing a cape at a Naturalization Ceremony.
Who do you want representing you?
Olga must be a real unhappy individual...Can you all feel the hate in her words. They sell things that can relax you. Please use one.
Since when is UM part of District 25 Olga?
Olga was removed. You don't insult the blogger. One Rule on this blog. And if the "moron" wasn't meant for me, you should have been clearer.
Please stop the banter: Joe will get his debate... Untill the the conversation Will be amongst the candidates and the residents of the District... Joe stop trying to get your mug on the screen.. you are a failed politician who could not even win against De La Portilla when you have more then twice his money... you ruined a good foundation and have disgraced our community... you support far left South Beach Values... Please don't try and tell Mario about district 25 atleast he lives there... your expensive home on South Beach paid for by beating the Cuba issue dry is the same home you drive out from when you decide to distort Mario as a single issue candidate you are a hypocrite! Mario Diaz-Balart has been a tax-payers friend while bringing millions of Dollars to the residents of South Florida, he is a strong proponent of the second ammendment and a staunch supporter of the Everglades he founded the Everglades Cacus! Lose the rhetoric cut your hair and maybe you'll be elected to community councilman you hypocrite!!!!!
Mario Diaz-Balart is a loser in Washington.
The guy is ranked like 400th or something. Please...
It's time for change.
Joe Garcia went to MDCC according to his website.
This debate about who lives where is pathetic. Mario Diazbalart lived in Ft. lauderdale and KeyBiscayne his entire life before he decided to run for Congress.
Perhaps someone would like to discuss some actual political platform stuff, here. Can someone actually tell me where the $3B to relieve farming was spent? Truthfully, guys, I don't care who lives where, so long as they live in the general vacinity. Also, could we maybe talk about drill/no drill, amendment five (property tax vs sales tax funding for education) - you know - the interesting stuff - not the four letter words or the insulting of the blogger stuff or Prozac or anything like that. Let's not talk about that. Do you guys even know who stands where or are you just interested in the He's a Democrat/or Replublican thing?
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