Look at these wacky district configurations designed to get a certain group: See More: In my view: Nothing separates us more than District Voting. Why can't our needs get met by like-minded elected officials? Why do they have to match our race or ethnic background?
Not only are district drawings ridiculous, but tend to discriminate against those pockets of citizens that by chance remained within the all "white", "black" or "Hispanic districts but do not meet the criteria.
What the candidates forget is that eventually the composition of their district changes with the influx of new residents that maybe do not meet their expectations.
Why did you highlight District 8?This commission district elects a "like-minded" official. She is a white woman, a member of the Hold the Line group, endorsed by the Sierra Club, and is generally in sync with the thinking of the Herald Editorial Board. How much more like minded to the GeniusofDespair could she be?
And besides what does a liberal democrat have to do with anything? What do you assume here? Because someone is a liberal democrat we shouldn't write about them?
This is a post about oddly configured districts to catch race or ethnicity. Did Katy Sorenson draw her district? Hit read more and then try to understand what I was writing: I don't like the way districts were drawn. It had nothing to do with ANY politician at all. Katy's distrct just happened to be drawn with a giant hole in the middle, which illustrated my point. The post HAD NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH HER
yes out-of-sight you are correct that in the non partisan districts I included, the pubs and dems did draw the districts to also catch their party followers...as well as ethnic/racial groups (which seem to follow certain parties, i.e. Cubans mostly Republicans, White Urban mostly Democrats, and Blacks Democrats).
Should look at district 9 for the oddball angle, Richmond Heights and Florida City, separated by the Redland. Just happens to be represented by KS. It's election anarchy.
I just got this email from McGillis Campaign and it makes sense:
Gentlemen: Clerk Harvey Ruvin may need help to keep his job this November.
Contributions: $222,436.19
Expended in the primary: $150,314.65
Harvey Ruvin spent $150-K and only got 50,000 votes in the democratic primary. Ruvin spent $3.00 for each vote he got on August 26, 2008. His unknown opposition David Nelson spent zero dollars and raised zero dollars and got 25,000 votes.
Harvey Ruvin did win the primary against David Nelson on Aug 26, but at what cost? If Ruvin plans to win on November 4, 2008, against Darrin E. McGillis or Alfredo Perez he had better raise a substantial amount of cash to meet the $3 each vote payment he just did on August 26, 2008.
The campaign message at www.mcgillis4clerk.com is the strongest of any candidate and I expect McGillis to win on November 4, 2008, based on the August 26, 2008, results.
Ruvin will have a hard time winning, first you have two hispanic names on the ballot, Perez and Valido, then you have McGillis (www.mcgillis4clerk.com).
My guess is that given the numbers in the primary he has a uphill battle to get votes. Plus this is the year of change in a general election.
Not only are district drawings ridiculous, but tend to discriminate against those pockets of citizens that by chance remained within the all "white", "black" or "Hispanic districts but do not meet the criteria.
What the candidates forget is that eventually the composition of their district changes with the influx of new residents that maybe do not meet their expectations.
You forgot the keep it republican and keep it democratic district overlays.
Why did you highlight District 8?This commission district elects a "like-minded" official. She is a white woman, a member of the Hold the Line group, endorsed by the Sierra Club, and is generally in sync with the thinking of the Herald Editorial Board. How much more like minded to the GeniusofDespair could she be?
And besides what does a liberal democrat have to do with anything? What do you assume here? Because someone is a liberal democrat we shouldn't write about them?
This is a post about oddly configured districts to catch race or ethnicity. Did Katy Sorenson draw her district? Hit read more and then try to understand what I was writing: I don't like the way districts were drawn. It had nothing to do with ANY politician at all. Katy's distrct just happened to be drawn with a giant hole in the middle, which illustrated my point. The post HAD NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH HER
yes out-of-sight you are correct that in the non partisan districts I included, the pubs and dems did draw the districts to also catch their party followers...as well as ethnic/racial groups (which seem to follow certain parties, i.e. Cubans mostly Republicans, White Urban mostly Democrats, and Blacks Democrats).
Should look at district 9 for the oddball angle, Richmond Heights and Florida City, separated by the Redland. Just happens to be represented by KS. It's election anarchy.
I am not sure it makes a difference to the district 9 voting about including the Redland. The population density is north and south of it.
Richmond Heights votes. They are proud of that fact.
there are "whites" in dade county?
I just got this email from McGillis Campaign and it makes sense:
Gentlemen: Clerk Harvey Ruvin may need help to keep his job this November.
Contributions: $222,436.19
Expended in the primary: $150,314.65
Harvey Ruvin spent $150-K and only got 50,000 votes in the democratic primary. Ruvin spent $3.00 for each vote he got on August 26, 2008. His unknown opposition David Nelson spent zero dollars and raised zero dollars and got 25,000 votes.
Harvey Ruvin did win the primary against David Nelson on Aug 26, but at what cost? If Ruvin plans to win on November 4, 2008, against Darrin E. McGillis or Alfredo Perez he had better raise a substantial amount of cash to meet the $3 each vote payment he just did on August 26, 2008.
The campaign message at www.mcgillis4clerk.com is the strongest of any candidate and I expect McGillis to win on November 4, 2008, based on the August 26, 2008, results.
I will vote for Harvey, I expect he will win.
Ruvin will have a hard time winning, first you have two hispanic names on the ballot, Perez and Valido, then you have McGillis (www.mcgillis4clerk.com).
My guess is that given the numbers in the primary he has a uphill battle to get votes. Plus this is the year of change in a general election.
Can you say McGillis?
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