This was one of the many versions Galoob Toys released in 1988 trying to simulate the "golden" skin tone of Lieutenant Commander Data. This version features DATA with a mocha skin tone with darker brown "speckles".
I was intrigued. A malfunction of the coloring process, like a rare stamp. The salesman said there were only a few produced like this one. I thought to myself, at the time, "far out!" So I bought this $3 toy action figure for $35.00, imagining that in years to come it would sky-rocket to hundreds of dollars. Well, 18 years have passed. Today I checked the price of the "Speckled Data" (in the original unopened card) on E BAY. The mint "Speckled Data" is going for $35.00.

I guess I should be happy, at least it didn’t lose its value. It taught me an important lesson about investing in collectables. I am taking comfort that I am not alone; all those Beenie Baby collectors have fared even worse.
Do you have a bad investment you want to share with us? What about collectables that made you money?
Just went through one...
Last March,Nine Inch Nails released an ultra deluxe edition of their latest album,through their website..
a limited edition of 2500 copies signed by Trent Reznor himself...
priced at $300.00
The thing sold out in 24 Hours.
Within 2 weeks they started popping aon EBay at "Buy It Now" price of $1000-$1250;though the first few ones went for $650-$700..
I'm a casual fan of NIN,so I decided to go ahead and get a set,and
I felt so lucky after sniping one for $610...
I've been watching the recent auctions and most are now going for $400-$500..
I've been collecting records for over 40 years..plus Fangoria magazines,etc.because I am a fan,but I have to admit that the thought of sitting on a "gold mine"
with my collections does enter my head now and then.
But,even with a fire last year that destroyed Fangoria's back-issues warehouse,nothing has gone up...
and with the records..maybe just 10% of my 7000 LP collection may be considered "collectible".
Luckily I still have my 401K and mutual funds to fall back on!
We all do stupid things at times. I admit I am one of the all.
I got married twice. The first one was a bad investment that cost me half of everything I owned. The second one is much better and my investment seems to being paying off at a much greater rate, for now.
My God "M" made me laugh. That is pretty historic for this blog...
Nine inch nails? Never heard of them.
Nine Inch Nails:
Anything marketed as a "collectable" will ever become one.
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