Progress Florida and Environment Florida delivered 2100 petitions signed by Floridians to Governor Charlie Crist today, asking the Governor and Florida Department of Community Affairs Secretary Tom Pelham to reject two applications approved by a supermajority of the Miami-Dade County Commission, overriding vetoes by Mayor Carlos Alvarez. Several television news organizations and state-wide radio recorded the transmittal of citizen objections.
I guess I am the only one who finds it a bit ironic that "Progress Florida's" mailing address is in Lakewood Ranches, a low density development carved out of ranch and swampland, yes wetlands, in Sarasota.
I guess sprawl is OK for the rich white folk of Sarasota.
Perhaps we can get a lesson on urban planning after they are done playing polo.
To: Anonymous
Actually, Progress Florida’s four full-time staff are located around the state and work in a “virtual office” where they telecommute via the InterTubes.
The Lakewood Ranch staffer is in a high density development, located 400 yards from I-75 where he rents (from owners who may or may not be rich, white or Polo players.)
His rental unit is walking distance to Main Street shopping, entertainment and many services - so close in fact, he rarely has to use his car (except when wanting to go visit what remains of Florida's greatest natural treasure a few hours south.)
I am actually a bit of fan of Lakewood Ranch; which has a good mix of low to medium density development. The commitment to Green building for the homes is a nice touch; it almost makes up for the polo fields and golf course.
Anonymous One is correct, however, that Lakewood Ranch would have been excoriated as if it was Hell's Half Acre by this blog if it had been proposed for Miami-Dade.
Wall to wall people on the first floor of the Capitol huh? Logistically, it must have been a nightmare to get that many protesters there.
I sure hope that petition was presented on recycled paper. Otherwise, thats a whole tree's worth of signatures.
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