Monday, June 23, 2008

Commissioners Giving our Tax Dollars to Non-Profits: Bad Idea. By Geniusofdespair

In 2006 Vile Natacha Seijas gave $40,000 from her 2006 Discretionary Account to the Hialeah Chamber of Commerce and Industries for Programmatic Support and $30,000 in the previous cycle. They do NOT have a non-profit in that name in State Corporate Records but this one is close: It is called Hialeah Chamber of Commerce Industry Foundation, Inc. which I assume is where the money actually went. The only 990 Tax return available was from 2001 for this foundation, received Dec. 27, 2002 by the IRS. The only support they had that year was, coincidentally, for $40,000. I am going to assume it is from Natacha, but I could be wrong as I don't have the Discretionary records for that year. At that time and now, Herman Echevarria was/is President of this Foundation.

According to IRS records this group is related to the Latin Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

What program did they support with the $40,000? Actually, I don’t really know. Look at the graphic at top (hit on it to enlarge it) and you tell me what they did with the money because this is what they submitted to the IRS, telling them what they did with it.

Again I ask: Why are we letting our useless County Commissioners give these non-profits our hard earned tax dollars? Give us this money back and let us do our own giving! Or, at the very least George Burgess, make the non-profits submit a few years of 990's.


Anonymous said...

Don't be naive! That money somehow goes back to the donor commissioner to support his/her campaign. Another type of money laundering.

Geniusofdespair said...

I do not always connect the dots for you...however, this appears to be some sort of community gala to get support for the agenda of the Commissioner.

Anonymous said...

Please list the incumbents and their evils... we need the new candidates to win this election!

Anonymous said...

In answer to your ": Why are we letting our useless County Commissioners give these non-profits our hard earned tax dollars?". Because WE cannot stop them. WE, the citizens of Miami-Dade County, are a bunch of "don't have a clue citizens" who could not get organized if we were paid to.

Geniusofdespair said...

last Anon

we had better get our okra farming going then..

Anonymous said...

Clearly commissioners have a reason beyond public service for running for election and staying in office. I think it would be interesting to look at how the commissioners net worth has changed while they have been in office.

It is time to look at finance reform again. Sally Heyman did the citizens of this county a disservice when she gutted $250 limits and no corporate donations.

Better candidates must come forward, but not this year, as all the qualifying dates for the big races have closed. What a pity.

Back to the blog topic: What the heck is the Hialeah Chamber of Commerce and Industry anyway? Weren't they mentioned in a Miami Herald expose on misspent tax dollars last year? They got funds for employee training but put new carpeting down instead.

Amazing, simply amazing.

Anonymous said...

They appeared to white out whatever it is they did with this money. That is one hell of a party for $36,000.