The Problem:
Lennar has to get this mega development, in Southwest Miami Dade, of over 7,000 homes past two hurdles besides the County: The State Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and the South Florida Regional Planning Council (an advisory arm of the DCA). They were a pain in Lennar’s butt when they tried for their last mega-development, Florida City Commons. And the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) gave them trouble too, writing to the County about water issues.
Lennar must have been thinking: How do we get around the State this time around. Light bulb: How about hiring the right lobbyist/consultant!
The Solution:
That is where Castille comes in. She was hired to Lobby/Consult for Parkland, although listed on the current State Lobbyist website, she is not mentioned as lobbying for them. Why is she the perfect choice to deal with the pesky State of Florida growth management rules?
Colleen was appointed as Secretary of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), in 2004 by Jeb Bush.
However, In 2003, Castille was appointed Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), where she (according to the State website) “Supervised community growth, environmental assessment, local and state comprehensive planning, community rehabilitation and disaster planning.”
Smart Lennar, very smart. Will the State agencies be taken in by this overt move on the part of the developer?
P.S. Informed sources meeting with Colleen said she insists she is not working directly for Lennar but for Krome Grove Investors (land trust) of which Lennar is only part of she said. Corporate records indicate that Edward W. Easton is the only named officer of Krome Grove, but Colleen mentioned Sergio Pino as well (among others she did not name). Actually now it makes more sense. If Lennar only has an "option" on Parkland land at very bad terms (made at the height of the bubble) they might not want to push so hard to make this deal happen. The sellers would be much more invested in making the deal, hence the employment of Ms. Castille. The deal appears to be contigent on getting approvals. Registered County Lobbyists for the Land Trust are Niesen Kasdin and Norbert Seals.
Uh...Colleen...Sally Heyman called.
She wants her jacket back.
Oh great. People who worked in government, who we paid with our tax dollars, should be prohibited from lobbying FOREVER. Then we would not have the likes of Castillo, Kasdin, Olmedillo, Diaz de la Portilla,de Grandy and thousands more. Sure we may lose some good ones but by far the bulk do more bad than good. Better yet, lets ban lobbyists all together. Former employees/commissioners can retire or get a real job.
Lobbyists are the only profession that is constitutionally guaranteed.
See, First Amendment.
See also, Article 1, Section 5, Florida Constitution.
In this life, you take the bad with the good.
I have a vision of commuter parking lots up and down Krome Avenue, watch how fast they find money to four lane it. Great job exposing this guys. Never stop doing what you do, the other side is always scheming.
I thought Castille was in the condo materials business... what happened?
Gimleteye writes:
That is a very funny comment about the jacket and the Sally Heyman fashion connection. It's always good to know our readers have an eye for detail!
The reason our political directors of important departments seem to always favor the big guys is because they are promised a job with the big guys when they are finished fleecing the public.
How embarrassing for the DCA staff. Ever imagine how bad it has to be to want to do the right things and then have someone like her being your boss editing your reports and paperwork?
this is my favorite blog of all!!! keep up the great work.
Jose Cancela is a lobbyist for this project, as well. In fact. he lists it on his Hispanic.net website. Guess Sergio Pino must be up to his ears in the deal.
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