Gimenez’s expenses -- as of the March date were only $4,092.57 — mostly cell phone and accounting fees. I guess the cell phones were used to collect all that cash as he didn’t spend anything on parties. Juan Mayol, spokesperson/lobbyist/lawyer for Lowe’s Big Box, took an in kind donation for $92.64 for food and beverages. I would suppose that was for an impromptu fund raiser (most people serve better food and beverages if they want big cash). Anyway, Juan, that and your other token $250 donation didn’t do you much good on the Lowe’s vote. You had better luck with the other Commissioners. I can’t believe you gave Vile Natacha and Audrey Edmonson only $250 each. Why did Jordan get more? She shows a donation on March 31st for $500 from you. She also has a donation of $500 from Andy Dolkart (number cruncher for Developer DRI’s). Dolkart can massage numbers to perform pretty incredible feats. I saw some of his numbers carry off a Sierra Club volunteer at a meeting, never to be seen again!
anyone have a photo of Andy? I looked everywhere and couldn't find one.
If I were Gimenez, i wouldn't give this blog a dime. Way too reactioanry and founded in blind activism. Ivestigation Miami is a much better, balanced blog, that is chalk full of facts and details rather than rants and conjecture.
This blog is wonderful, previous poster. Why don't you add some balance here if you think your views aren't being represented. If you don't like it, why are you posting? You obviously are reading it.
He/she is writing to push the other blog....jealous of our readership. Don't worry will delete them if they continue. Let that blog earn its audience the way we did.
Besides, we are not delusional over here, we don't expect money...it was a joke.
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