Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rudy Herbello: The Other Guy Running Against Commissioner Joe Martinez. By Geniusofdespair

Bully County Commissioner Joe Martinez has a second challenger: An X-Cop like himself (except a smarter one). Rudy Herbello was born in Cuba and he has a Master's Degree. He is not raising too much money although he counts as one of his contributors, Frank Rollason, a former Assistant City Manager.

Here is what he says on his website about his career at the City of Miami Police Department:

"In December 2004, Rudy was appraised as an expert auditor due in part to his strong sense of leadership, direction, ethics and professionalism. Rudy was also assigned as a Supervisor to the Internal Affairs Unit, Burglary Unit, Fraud and Forgery Unit and has twice worked directly for the Chief of Police. Rudy Herbello’s last assignment was as a Staff Coordinator to the Assistant Police Chief for the Criminal Investigation Division before he retired on July 11, 2007."

There is one big black mark against Rudy, well maybe just his wife (I put it at the end of this post).

More important to me, here is what he says about Development and the UDB:

This government must prepare and plan appropriately for the impact of growth due to development, traffic, public transportation, water management, and the public schools prior to any projects/plans being approved. This will require better communication between the Miami-Dade Planning Department, developers and the Miami-Dade Public School System in order to appropriately address the possible need for new schools that would have to be built in order to avoid the over crowding in our schools and the traffic around our residential areas. Expanding the Urban Development Boundaries (UDB) would be a reckless form of development that will endanger the ecosystem as a whole and would strain water supplies, community services and would endanger wildlife in the everglades. Any encroachment to the everglades could have devastating impact for many years to come.

The Black Mark (directly from Miami New Times 6/11/98):

Rudy Herbello is a sergeant with the Miami Police Department. Although they own a house in West Dade, they both voted in the City of Miami through absentee ballots.

"There's no discrepancy," Rudy Herbello told the Herald at the time. "Does that mean I can't have more than one house? Some information you have is not accurate." (ME: HMMM...)

Evelyn Herbello was more curt, refusing to answer the Herald's questions. "You guys write whatever the hell you want anyway," she was quoted as saying.

Herbello's bravado was short-lived, however; soon she contacted the Dade State Attorney's Office and offered to cooperate. She claimed that her husband knew nothing about fraudulent votes and that the person who helped her register illegally in Miami was Jorge De Goti's father Jose.


"When I first met with her," recalls Joe Centorino, head of the state attorney's public corruption unit, "she was very vulnerable, very emotional. She was in tears. She came in to see me with her priest."

Centorino asked her if she would be willing to wear a wire. "I think she was very conflicted about that at the outset because she still considered these people to be her friends," he says. "But she agreed, and once she got into it she was more comfortable with it. She did a superb job, there is no doubt about it."

Centorino says even he was amazed at Herbello's ingenuity during her meetings with Jorge De Goti and Hernandez. "No amount of coaching could make her as good as she was," he marvels.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a viable candidate.

Anonymous said...

This guy's got the makings of a corruptor / corruptee...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

there was a typo on the one above that made it not make sense:

No sir, I don't agree. I think this is a pretty good candidate. His wife wore a wire...I think that she did the right thing in the end and it helped the US Attorney. I never know what my wife is doing....

Geniusofdespair said...

I agree, he could be a good candidate. Compared to Martinez; I like this guy better. He at least made it through graduate school. I think we have to hear more from him. Is he really serious and does he have support in the community?

Geniusofdespair said...

Unlike the Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald--the newspapers historically do not give much coverage to candidates with little money -- I am trying to give them some air time on the internet. I would like Herbello, Screen and Bermudez to get their messages out there. I only wish the Miami Herald and The El Nuevo Herald would give these elections a chance by giving the candidates some column space in their newspapers. Newspapers --- That is their only hope for getting the word out: They don't have money for mailers like the incumbents.

Anonymous said...

These newcomers should do it the old-fashioned way -by foot, door to door. Not only will the voters get to meet them, but the candidate could pick volunteers along the way. Martinez has long been handing out groceries to poor and elderly voters in his district, but there might still be some left unwilling to trade their vote for food.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the fall-out from the voter fraud is his, it is his wife's and she seems to have made her ammends by helping take down the real culprits.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding! I will not be voting for herbello.

Anonymous said...

I would vote for him over Martinez and over that puff of fluff.

Anonymous said...

He seems to have the right credentials and I like what he said about holding the Urban Development Boundary line.

Anonymous said...

We have not seen or heard of this Herbello candidate in our neighborhood.
Bermudez has walked door to door -
sat with us at our neighborhood park, and the majority in the area approve of him very much.
At a recent KFHA meeting, Herbelo ran out before the meeting ended.
Bermudez stayed and listened to people's concerns.
Bermudez can also be seen at monthly CAC meetings at the Hammocks station and at FIU & MDCC student events.

My neighbors are in favor of Whilly Bermudez and our votes go to him.