JAIME ANGULO, Wrote: "The Urban Development Boundary has caused headaches and bad feelings among all constituencies, the Miami-Dade County mayor, county commissioners, developers and landowners. Landowners outside the UDB are penalized and can only use their land for agricultural ventures, even though it is not economically feasible to do so.
I purchased a piece of land 22 years ago. It is not designated a wetland nor is it near the Everglades. It certainly does not meet even minimal requirements for agricultural use...the land is condemned to be vacant and useless because it is on the wrong side of the urban development line." -snip-
Is this is the land you are referring to Jamie: 42 acres, you bought it in 1981 (another notation '89) for $45,000 (about $1,000 an acre)? You paid $794 in ‘07 in taxes, because you have that $425,256 State exemption for agriculture, I assume you bought it with agricultural zoning. If this is the property (could find no other sales) you just have to look at the arrows on the aerial I have at top to see what moving the line would open up.
And, of course it is not good for agriculture, most of the property you bought is underwater. This land is in the 2010 expansion area. Be patient.
Just beyond the edge of the map there is the wastewater plant for all of south dade and the Mt. Trashmore landfill.
This is also target area for the eastern part of the Everglades restoration - wetland rehydration projects around cutler bay.
Cutler Bay is even talking about annexing this area, supposedly to prevent more urban sprawl. That may be a real reason considering how the County Commission treats the boundary.
It cost this guy about $66 a month to carry this property. When the line expands he will make his money. What is his gripe? He bought a rock pit/fill pit.
How in the hell is he getting a big agriculture tax exemption for land under water? Maybe he is fish farming. Sounds like he should lose his exemption. This kind of tax abuse gives all legitimate farmers a bad name; rather like developers floating a couple of cows until they build. Makes me sick.
Doesnt anyone at the Herald do research on letter writers before printing their self serving drivel?
Nah, they don't research. They have printed my DRIVEL many times.
Nice catch. I wonder why folks keep having a sense of entitlement that the should make 110x what they invested on lands outside the UDB. You chose to gamble. Taxpayers shouldn't pick up the tab for your bad choices.
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