Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart at the Home of Cire and Steve Shiver on Thursday October 12, 2006 in Homestead at the Shiver house I presume. Yes the photos are old but they are so fun -- getting them all in one shot like this.

City of Homestead Councilman Jeff Porter, City of Homestead Councilwoman Judy Waldman, Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, Hosts Cire and Steve Shiver, Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart, and then City of Homestead Mayor Roscoe Warren.
Hey what are those Democrats doing there?? Aren't Judy Waldman, Jeff Porter and Roscoe Warren all Democrats? You 3 had better remember your party when you accept an invitation to a party. (Hit on photos to enlarge them at your peril.)
Steve Shiver has mighty clean grout! Is that lady related to Dolly Parton?
Oops, he did it again, just hosted another function, for Mario DB only this time. Similar cast of characters, maybe he was raising money to finish the poor woman's house he failed to complete.
Mario has faith in Shiver. Does anyone else?
Thank heavens for Homestead that Shiver, Warren, and Porter are gone. Waldman should be next. Looks like a clean sweep for the DB brothers. Shiver's house is on the block, maybe he will leave town!
He is not even embarrassed by the Herald reports. Latterner had enough of him and tossed him out on the street. Slowly people are seeing the truth.
i Need a photo of latterner for this blog...anyone have one?
Maybe they are part-time Democrats just like they were part-time Homestead officials. Their full-time job was to make certain all developers had their way, Shiver got paid and they were still in power.
i heard shiver cheated on his first wife with his county secretary who then became his second wife. it says a lot about his character. i can see wife #2 is no prize so shiver is probably already working on wife #3.
How can people be so blind that they don't see how Homestead politics are headed down the same road led by 'high on power' Lynda Bell. She is speaking at Shiver sponsored events and leading the charge to approve projects which will encroach on the base so that Shiver and his old friends can swoop in and hope for that commercial airport afterall. She has even written a letter to Tallahassee calling our base commander a liar.
Isn't anyone paying attention?
The base commander is a liar. He is working with Epling of Community Bank to try and delay the Park of Commerce development. Of course Shiver is right smack in the middle of it as usual.
Again, it is great to see that you useless people have nothing factual to say about Shiver but simple envy. Grow up and if there are issues with Shiver, get off your ass and stop hiding behind the bullshit blogs and go to the state attorney. Enough is enough already. Losner. Stop your envy it is a bad thing. Shiver does did and still does support Lynda Bell. Call and ask him, he has never ran from Defede, or any bullshit report of the Miami Herald. His number is 305-345-0373. Asses, if you can do anything better than this young accomplished man. Stop hiding and bring it to the man. face to face. .
No way, he loathes Bell, she is what has castrated him and his pals.
I cant believe this is what the Homestead city council has become. Mario and Lincoln have done absolutely nothing for Homestead. I wonder how much money these poor suckers have received to stand next to these two crooks.
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