The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District and South Florida Water Management District will host a series of public meetings to present and receive feedback on regionally based recreation plans for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) Master Recreation Plan.
In 2006, the planning team received public input on existing recreation conditions, future recreation needs and recreation trends and issues. At the upcoming meetings, planners will discuss how they applied the information and present regional recreation analyses and conceptual plans for review.
Public meetings will begin with a short presentation, followed by an open house during which attendees may meet and talk with the planners. The meetings, run 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. and are located at:
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - Florida City Community Center - 420 NW 5th Ave.
Monday, April 21, 2008 - African Heritage Cultural Arts Center - 6161 NW 22nd Ave., Miami.
Yes, these meetings are a yawn but you should go. It is a good networking opportunity, just ask Ed Swakon or other annoying people that always hover around these meetings trying to butter up the Corps and South Florida Water Management District Staff. Ed works for developers and he writes the applications for filling in wetlands. I guess you could call him a lobbyist engineer.
Ed is a fixture, like a lamp he lights up every meeting.
I think he is another kind of fixture, like a washing machine; You really don't relish using it, it is always there, it makes a lot of noise and it gets the job done sometimes.
Engineer Lobbyist, that is pretty accurate for Ed. He sure looks a lot better in your picture.
That photo must be 15 or 20 years old.
Why didn't anything ever come out of this Inspector General's report regarding Swakon's company EAS Engineering? Why is EAS still doing business for the County? These are not rhetorical questions.......
link did not work...try again
Try this link to the OIG archives. Then go to the 7th link in the list. Won't open for me either now. Maybe because the report also names the new manager of Monroe COunty.
Lobbyist engineer about pegs it for Swakon. Rather like the lobbyist economist (can't remember his name), the lobbyist affordable housing "expert" (Kasdin) and the lobbysit road lady (Sweetapple). These four can be counted on to be the "experts" for every offensive development application. They never saw a development they could not make up facts to support. Wonder how they look at themselves in the mirror.
Dull-Quart??? Dolkort...something like that....
"He agressively pursues all assignments with the agencies and is well-respected by their personnel." Well-loathed by their personnel is more like it. He is agressive, but any regulator worth their salt has little respect for Ed Swakon. Whatever success he has enjoyed as a consultant has little to do with his expertise as an engineer, and more to do with his presumed skills as a lobbyist / schmoozer.
Andy Dolkart is the economist lobbyist.
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