Saturday, March 22, 2008

Graph on Population Growth in Miami Dade County by Geniusofdespair

I like graphs (hit on this one to enlarge it). I forgot why I liked this one on Components of Population Growth, but it was pretty interesting to me. I think I liked it because all the developers and, just about everyone else in Miami Dade County, have incredibly large population increase projections. This graph appears to refute that rosy picture for people pushers and, thus, the need for more housing.


Anonymous said...

interesting graph. I suppose it means that locals are increasingly fed up with the quality of life and govt., and that expectations are being adjusted to serve the needs of immigrants who are mostly poor and have low expectations of honest govt. At least there aren't police with machine guns on the corner.

Anonymous said...

At least there aren't police with machine guns on the corner.


Anonymous said...

It just breaks my heart this place isn't getting more overcrowded.

Anonymous said...

Um, well according to this, the county has experienced pop. growth rate between 2000 and 2008 of about 6%, comparably less than other major metro areas and counties. The city itself has experienced greater population growth than this. Without the sustained immigration, M-D county would be shrinking rather than growing. In any case, this growth rate doesn't justify all the high-rise construction and other home building--illustrated by the fact that Miami now has one of the highest vacancy rates in the country.