I am familiar with the work of Miami's Water Guru, Helena Solo-Gabriele from “Use of stable isotopes to quantify flow between the Everglades and Urban Areas in Miami Dade county” who was mentioned the Miami Herald article today: Bacteria-laden beach sand could pose health risk.
However, years before, I knew her name. I had been complaining bitterly to Samir Elmir, Director of the Department of Environmental Health, that the water around Hobie Beach had poor water quality testing results over and over. He finally agreed to test it further, he located some funds to conduct an in depth test of the water (the report I have somewhere in this black-hole -- my office). He contracted with U of M Professor, Helena Solo-Gabriele to conduct the study. She found that the beach sand was probably harboring much of the contamination, and not the water.
So now, 6 or 8 years later it is news that a graduate student has found beach sand contaminated and, although interviewed for the article, both Samir and Helena don’t even mention that they knew about this years and years ago because of the previous study. And what has the Health Dept. done about it? What gives? The graduate student is at best confirming the earlier study by Solo-Gabriele. And in the article: Solo Gabriele said: "This study points to the need of...studies to look at the health implications." Why didn't you say that about YOUR OWN STUDY years ago?
everyone has short memories in Florida. It must be the contaminated water.
If you make a public complaint, you never get hired again. No one in authority ever seems to care about the health of the public. Just let them keep their job and keep sucking at the public tit.
Great example of why The Herald is such a marginal newspaper. Research? Only on questions of Britney's estate.
The water in Hobie Beach has always been contaminated. I remember back in the day when I would swim there, I would aways end up with these sties in my eyes. Always.
Then when I stopped swimming there, the sties suddenly stopped. I haven't had one since.
Samir? John Renfro? All the usual suspects who have worked (i.e, picked up a fat paycheck) for MDCC for eons, doing nothing to protect the citizens, the environment, etc., only to fill the pockets of corporate pals and stooges who fund the whole cabal of crooks and incompetents who run the County....time to tar and feather, starting with Burgess.
Samir works for the state not the county. But the rest it is accurate.
you have to start with the strong mayor. the buck starts and stops at his desk.
I am beginning to think the Mayor is not as strong as he should be.
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