In Palmetto Bay there is a giant addition to a school that is creating a controversy. Surfside residents are rebelling against the Mayor and his redevelopment plans for their city hall, he has a challenger now. In South Miami there was one firing and three resignations...so far. In Miami Lakes the Vice Mayor has been accused of practicing Real Estate without a license. In West Kendall there is a development of regional impact being pushed by owner Lennar (on the wrong side of the UDB line) and the Herald reported it ONLY to the local neighborhood.
Our Cities are in turmoil. You wouldn’t know it if you read the Miami Herald. We don’t need sterile reports in “Neighbors.” We need some answers not descriptions of the facts. We need some research on "why." We need reporters to dig deeper, not the "Just the Facts" reports we are seeing. We need to see the issues brought to the front and dissected. It is meaningless for the Herald to report of the four vacancies in South Miami. That is just a symptom of a much larger problem. I want to know the WHOLE story: the larger story. While we are at it Miami Herald: Where is the story of the Charter Review Report that Lou Ortiz of Miami Today reported?
What has happened at the Miami Herald? Too busy with the ballpark boondoggle? Your local reporting sucks Miami Herald.
Yes, I am curious about South Miami too. What is going on there. And I also want to know about the Lennar development.
You are on quite the roll of late. Of course, when politicians hand you the ball under the net, I expect slam dunks. You are right in your questioning of the Herald. This should be their job to slam these politico's and builders and banks. Keep up the good work.
resscane: Very astute comment...thanks....
You've got a great point. There is nothing about any of these issues you mentioned in the paper. Miami Lakes has always had this funny way of not reporting any crime in Neighbors. I think it's hilarious because the local cops hang out at Einstein Bros. and you'll hear their arrests and problems they're dealing with and yet everything looks safe and beautiful in the paper. I optimistically think that in the case of Simon, we're seeing the calm before the storm.
Love Rocky Racoon!
Some of the staff in Miami Lakes participated in Nancy Simon's game. I hope that before the next elections on October in Miami Lakes, all these people are out, either they resign or they get to be fired. Who is going to fired them? The Manager is part of the game too, he wants his contract extended after January 1, 2009. I hope there is a change with the staff.
I'm more interested in South Miami. What is going on in that town?
"Surfside residents are rebelling against the Mayor and his redevelopment plans for their city hall, he has a challenger now."
Actually surfside residents are not rebelling, at least not with visibly numbers. Mayor Burcket (one termer) is being challenged by commissioner Blumstein, there is no love lost among them. Whatever good the currents have accomplished in the past two years will be negated by the issue of our community center ( closed pool for over a year). that alone will bring them down. Blumstein will win with the bulk of the jewish vote. Burcket will go back to private sector.
The miami harold is a joke, not funny.
You forgot that corrupt city Homestead. For decades it was run by a tight-knit group of insiders, led by Steve Shiver in recent years and the local banks. All the building on farmland finally came back to bite them. They have a whole new council (except for 2); the insiders were ousted by the new residents. By all accounts (a building moritorium) the new council seems to be doing a good job. The new Mayor took lots of shit from the insiders when she was a councilwoman; now she can laugh. The 2 bank (Community and 1st National of South Florida) shills are gone. It's a new day in Homestead. City dwellers eventually get it right but not so with the county. County commissioners can't be voted out because of district elections; I would rather live in a city and take my changes rather than unincorporated Miami-Dade where there are no chances.
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