Newly open Miami air terminal needs fixes according the Miami Herald. It has a punch list of over 20,000 items. For those of you architecturally impaired, that is a list of items to be fixed. One of the more interesting items,
$1M tile job caused $3M in damage. In the specs the Architects said they pointed out that muriatic acid, used to clean tiles, would damage the stainless steel fixtures and columns. I do think the architects unwise on this one. This is Miami, you have to account for people doing stupid things. Besides, tile and grout gets dirty. How do you think they clean it, vinegar? You should not have put stainless steel near tile. Perhaps there is way too much tile in this terminal. Just look at this tiled tunnel that is all whacked out and has to be fixed.
The reporter, Ina Paiva Cordle wrote:
“After paying $1.1 billion -- hundreds of millions of dollars over its original budget -- and waiting two extra years for completion, MIA is now grappling with more than 20,000 items that need to be fixed at its spanking new terminal. The punch list -- big enough to require several binders -- holds more than 1,000 pages of items that will cost at least several million dollars to fix.”
Our county tax dollars at work: Boondoggle! Our boondoggle list is growing: 19!
Wait for the Tunnel and the baseball stadium. The change orders and shoddy workmanship specialists are just getting started.
The taxpayers always get screwed.
Don't forget the two museums. Miami Art and Miami Science want free waterfront parkland. Neither have any money and both want the taxpayers to pay for $500 mil worth of concrete. Then the taxpayers will get stuck paying for the inflated salaries for the useless administrators.
I was in your new airport a couple of weeks ago....miles and miles of empty concourses, and restrooms that don't have locks on the stall doors.
I have news for all our monument-building pols, but the airline industry as it is currently constituted is a sunset industry. The airline industry is floundering even now that they are massively subsidized, because this is a business predicated on the availability of cheap fuel in massive quantities.
But was it ever affordable? This business has been massively subsidized, both indirectly and directly, since WW2.
Jerk the $14 Billion in direct subsidies to the commercial airlines, and the short-hop air travel that clogs our airports and drives the demand for evermore runways, and for second and third airports in large city areas, will be OVER.
Jerk those subsidies, and rail travel will stand on its own with NO subsidies. Just step aside and let it happen- the railroads will blossom when we decide to stop practically paying people to fly from Chicago to Indianapolis, because they will catch all the short-hop traffic that now flies by the graces of the taxpayers.
We can't afford to continue to subsidize 291-mile trips between Chicago and St. Louis, or between other close-together cities, that run more frequently than many bus lines in my city, and without this horrendously uneconomical travel, there is no need for anything like the number of large airports we have.
How do we put a stop to this kind of waste?
I am getting tired of of all this crud that happens over and over.
Is there anywhere with caves that are comfortable and filled interesting and happy things to do?
Watch and wait. The change-orders, cost overruns and delays over the tunnel, the Marlins stadium, the two so-called museums in Bicentennial Park et al will cause a taxpayer exodus. Time for someone to say No.
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