Citizens? I think insiders says it better. They mght have called this PAC "Insiders for Continued Control Over Your Government to Maximize Profits." That would be a bit more accurate.

Good Lord! Don't ever take these glossy flyers you get seriously at election time. Toss them people! The "Yes for a Greater Miami Dade" PAC is Financed by the Jai-Alai/Dog Tracks. The PAC name insults our intelligence. How does gambling make us great?
You have to look at funding to see who is REALLY supporting these PAC'S. It ain't us Miami-Dade citizens unless our name, for example, is Codina, or our business is Shoma Homes. And what about the gall of a Fort Lauderdale company financing a PAC to stop an amendment to our Miami Charter (the 2110 entity is not listed in public records so the Broward address is all I know about them).
This is why I love thee......
Thank you Geniusofdespair,
for bringing out the truth.
Your personal photographer!
Agree. G.O.D. and eyeonmiami is the only place to read what is really going on in Miami. As far as Shoma Homes and Codina is concerned, you reap what you sow.
Thanks. These research columns are the ones I am most proud of and they take a lot of time to put together. I am still trying to figure out who my personal photographer is. Is my phone writing comments without my knowledge?
I think its funny that teh county wouldnt accept signatures for the Natasha recall because two letters touched each oter (not block letters) but they will accept these chicken scratchings in financial reports....
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