Thrasher's pals have 120 days to get you to revoke -- after you signed. That is 4 months!
Hasn't any of these sleazey people heard of "Karma Return?"
This is from a St. Petersburg Times Editorial:
They first tried simply to outbid Hometown Democracy, inviting the top 60 signature gatherers to a meeting where they were offered three times as much money to change sides. Then they sent petition signers a preposterous letter from former House Speaker John Thrasher: "Unless you want higher property taxes, higher utility bills and Florida's scenic beauty destroyed by Big Developers, you will certainly want to revoke your signature from their petition."
The latest stunt is a coordinated attempt to flood elections supervisors with an alternative petition that the business opponents have no interest in actually seeing on the ballot. Since Jan. 2, according to Floridians for Smarter Growth director Michael Caputo, "hundreds of thousands" of these counter petitions have been submitted.
The devious intent is to overwhelm election supervisors so they lack the manpower to certify Hometown Democracy petitions before the deadline. The business groups have Hometown organizer Lesley Blackner in their crosshairs and show not a hint of remorse.
"I would hope they do flood it," says Associated Industries chief executive Barney Bishop. "The point of the fact is that we are going to make sure she doesn't get on the ballot. ... Her ox is getting gored? Too bad. Grow up. We play for keeps."
On Karma:
What is karma?
Buddhism believes that karma is what ever you give out you will get it back. If it is bad things you give out, you may get it back in twofold. Some time we may not see the good karma return but the bad one is kind of hard to miss.
Proverbial Power Play, wait until our Board of County Commissioners get their hands on the task force charter changes. The corrupt love the status quo.
Anonymous said...
You really are a one-trick pony. Really. Thank God for sobriety at Florida's editorial boards. Sun-Sentinel thinks Hometown is a BAD IDEA.
One by one, Florida newspapers are editorializing AGAINST Hometown Democracy. NONE are editorializing for it - not even one. In the end, it will just be you and Lesley Blackner alone in a room, complaining.
What will you talk about? The Grassy Knoll? The fake Moon walk? The CIA-Cocaine connection?
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Hometown Democracy a bad idea
Editorial Board
January 26, 2008
Sun Sent, yes, a paper actually worse than the Herald. Hard to believe. Only 18% or less of the population reads the paper so good luck on getting people to listen to their editorials, and don't print them here, feel free to link to them.
Leslie and I will be going to Puerto Rico...join us, the Hilton. We will be talking about all kinds of fake things....
The paperwork filed to create Save Our Constitution with the state Division of Elections lists the same “5730 Corporate Way, Suite 214” street address in West Palm Beach as Public Concepts’ office.
The firm and its founder, Randy Nielsen, have been paid over $100,000 alone this year from the Republican Party of Florida and future Senate President Jeff Atwater’s political fund, and are renowned in political circles for tough, negative direct-mail tactics. (ORLANDO SENTINEL)
As soon as I started reading the petition revocation I received in the mail from the "Honorable" John Thrasher, I suspected it was a sham. The dire threats to try and control the people and keep them in line. Anytime someone receives something like this, and it has a prepaid return envelope, make sure you send them back a note telling them how you feel about what they are doing. It's just a small thing but it will help run up their postage bill.
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