I am still trying to figure out who to vote for. I would not vote for anyone who doesn’t believe in evolution, because that would make them as stupid as George Bush and I have had enough of “stupid” in the White House.
I was looking at Hillary Clinton recently, after all she is smart. Many of my friends believe it doesn’t matter where campaign funds come from... As long as you don’t sell your soul for them. I suppose I don’t believe that. I feel as though a shadow descends over the politician by the source of their funding, that is why I was so disturbed to read the article by Francisco Alvarado in New Times: Hillary Clinton’s Money Man.
Kris Korge, her “Money Man” was a lobbyist in Miami, linked to Rodney Barreto. During the late 80’s and 90’s, he made a killing. It didn’t hurt that he was a rain maker for County Mayor Alex Penelas’ campaigns which led to Korge's success as a lobbyist. Alvarado said:
“In the past two decades, he has collected millions of dollars for county politicians, including at least two who were forced from office owing to scandal...”
Alvarado also repoted: “Along the way, Korge amassed a multimillion-dollar fortune, much of it from lobbying fees paid by county vendors...”
See the connection: He gets the politicians the money to get elected then Korge (by some gigantic miracle or act of God not related to the funds he raised) gets lucrative contracts for his clients (and himself). Alvarado goes on to outline Korge's more questionable lobbyist deals including a $40,000,000 contract that appears to have kicked back 10% of the profits to Korge and Barreto. Wow!
So having Korge as Hillary’s money man... It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. You all know by now how much I hate lobbyists. This is one thing that turns my stomach about Hillary.
P.S. To be balanced, here is an article about Obama's Miami Rain-Maker " Kirk Wagar" from a Tamba Bay Newspaper: A brassy Miami lawyer wrings $4.5-million from Floridians.
Hillary goes to Korge, FPL goes to the Republican equivalents... Mitt Romney goes to Al Cardenas... is it any wonder our democracy is in shambles?
The reason Gore lost Florida is that he was boxed in by Korge and Mitchell Berger, in Fort Lauderdale. Both provided advice to Gore's campaign that misdirected Gore because these two lobbyists had powerful campaign fundraising interests to protect. Donna Brazile, Gore's campaign manager at the time, was the last line of defense and she blew it big time. Gore didn't understand that he had to go around the money interests who contaminated his campaign; if he had just put a little effort into it, he would have won Florida.
Every time I see Donna Brazile on CNN or a news channel as a Democratic Party "expert", I want to barf.
Oh, one last piece of advice to Obama: stay away from Brazile, Korge and Mitchell Berger!
Vote for Obama!!!
Obama...looking better all the time.
If Obama's money man is from Miami...Why haven't we read about him in the Miami Herald? Why is he written about in a Tampa Paper? Frank Alvarado get writing about this guy....
The key difference between Korge and Wagar is that Korge is a lobbyist who profits from his political involvement, while Wagar is an attorney who makes his money elsewhere and is involved in politics because he loves it.
Agree with this last comment.
All three of the Democratic candidates are unfit for the office. The Republicans seem equally worthless, with the exception of Romney. Even so, we are left with very unsatisfactory choices, especially Hillary.
I chose Obama. I am tired of C or D teams leading us, why can't we put our A team on the field? I am tired of dummies being in control, creating a mess in our country and in the world.. There are real threats out there, and we need someone who can think through our problems and situations, repair our image with other countries, and most importantly restore hope to us and to the world.
Since money is a big part of this game, money brokers become critical. But Obama has shown us that the little $25 giver can have enormous weight.
His impressive win in South Carolina, sends a strong message. We haven't had an inspirational leader in long time. Lets hope he wins.
Calm Bobby likes what you're doing here. Check out the new site.
Calm Bobby again. I did it right this time.
I checked it out calm bobby. Good to have you blogging on Cool Stuff in Miami. I am sorry you miss elian. keep on blogging...who are you voting for or at least leaning towards?
I certainly will not vote for a republican . Even when you find an honest one his ideas are so bad you fear for our Country. In the beginning I favored Hillary but when it came out she was backed by people I consider criminals I thought about Obama. He seem honest and if not fettered like all the rest are he may be a good President. I always felt that Edwards is the best of all the candidates running. Unfortunately he does not seem electable and I do not want to run a man who will lose to any republican.
The Marlins will win the World Series before voters elect another Republican to be president.
I don't know if Hilary can beat a republican... I think it is too late for her to put Bill on time-out.
these lobbyists make me sick.
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