Yes, I know the primary didn't count for the Democrats. However, 1,925,728 Republicans voted in their primary as compared with 1,724,855 Democrats (99% reporting). Anyone with a lick of sense knows that most of the Independents are Republicans. The Republicans in the exit poll put the war as 4th in importance. Democrats put it as 2nd. The war was the only thing to stop Bush booster McCain. Hillarybill is not going to attract any crossover independents. No one wants a three term President. Bill should have laid low, trouble ahead. New Name: Hillbill.
I think the Democrats are going to lose in the general election, yet again.
Chart above is from the Miami Herald. More later. As always, math could be wrong.
someone check my math.
That is definitely good news. Sorry genius, but Republicans aren't all bad. I don't like my child's liberal, 1st grade teacher telling her class that there would be no war if a mother was president.
I've had a couple of first graders over the years. I can guarantee that your child did not come home and tell you that her teacher said "there would be no war if a mother was president". @#$R#%!!!
But fiction is pretty damn popular with the Republicans. It aint gonna work in November.
Maybe there weren't more Dems voting because their vote didn't count for party primary. Do the numbers factor in people who voted on the local/state issues and didn't vote in the party primary? I have absolutely no idea, it's just odd to have an election and have your vote not actually count for anything (unless it was 2000 all over again.....)
Why are you sorry for me? I am just reporting, I didn't say I was going to vote for either of the dead-heads.
Any Democrat worth a grain of salt knew their vote was showing the world what Florida was going to do in the General Elections. They voted...and for the slots too and that property tax reduction (that will be a can of worms). Let the lawsuits begin..
There's a Vice-Mayor in Miami Lakes who is in big with the local GOP and is extremely friendly with Seijas and she seems to be under an investigation into unlicensed real estate sales. How come I haven't heard you touch on this subject? This has been highlighted three times by WSVN's Carmel Cafiero and now this elected official is filing a restraining order on the guy who blew the whistle. GOP protects their own.
Come on, readers: the Democrats fell into the trap set by the Republican legislature when they agreed to move up the primary date-- assuring that the Democratic National Party would retaliate. There was no Democratic campaign for the primary.
And there are two further problems: first, whether Florida delegates will be seated at the convention. Want to see the fur fly; watch what happens if we get to March, and there is no clear winner.
Secondly, a contested Democratic delegation in Florida that does not get resolved until August means significant hurdles in establishing ground operations for the November campaign.
I'm imagining that this is all working out better, for the Republican party strategists, than they ever hoped for... except for the fact that their guy, Romney, is not going to be the guy.
Anonymous, it's a fact. Several parents discussed the same issue about this teacher's comment after a child presented her fun fact about a woman runing for President. No one made a stink about it because we all agree, teachers and administrators all protect themselves and the last thing I want is my daughter to be singled out. Oh but Democrats aren't great story tellers?
Boycotting Florida is proof that the Democrat directorate is out of touch and common sense. Those who voted for a cardboard figure also fall into that category.
In the end, Hillary will win the Democratic Nomination. But with approximately 35% of the democrats which have stated they would never vote for her, she will not win the general.
John McCain might not excite the Republican base, but nothing else excites the Republiocans more than crushing Hillary.
it might be a preview, if Clinton is the nominee. otherwise, not so much.
Yea gads, I never realized that there were so many Bushites among the people intelligent enough to handle blobs. If you put any republican in the presidency now you will have followers of george w running your Country down just as he did. Open your eyes.
Miami Lakes: Never heard the report. Send me an article... I don't watch TV news...
Here is something I blogged about the Miami Lakes scandal
gop is fine,
Would you rather have your child's first grade teacher telling her class that there is no such as evolution?
That's the GOP mentality.
I don't think the republicans are going to win Florida or the general election this year.
Not only will independents lean democrat, many republicans will too, just like they did in the 2006 midterm elections.
And I really don't think we can use the primary election as an accurate gauge because most democrats tend not to vote in the primary.
Wow who is this Miller guy, he has all the answers...
Actually Mr. Miller,
I don't have a problem whether she learns evolution, just some political things need to stay out of a teacher's vocabulary. I think it's cool that she see's a woman can run for President. But when my daughter, on her own mentions a comment like that, you have to wonder what they're teaching your kid.
I thought I had seen something mentioned here before about the Vice Mayor in Miami Lakes. But apparently she is in deep shit. However I too have heard that there is a godmother style relationship with Seijas and many suspect the Ethics Board for the County is under her control.
Now if you head to WSVN you will read and see the issue this woman's gotten into. There is also another previous episode on January 08, 2007 called Simon Says.
There is also an article that came out in The Herald 12/26/07 "Flak Prompts newspaper to stop covering politics." Where she somehow created quite a stink over the fact that the Town newspaper reported on her original run in with Cafiero back in November. The video isn't available, but the transcript is.
Stop the witchhunt. And yes R's should protect R's, the same way D's protect D's.
Ned, I do believe you really are talking about a real witch.
Oh yea,
Things are getting quite ugly in Miami Lakes. Somehow it seems they are really trying to cook this lady's goose. I think even the cows are trying to avoid the flak.
La DI Da.... and the beat goes on.
Amazing stuff. Not. Just more of the same.
Speaking of Republicans... you watch the backgound during McCains election night gala? Alvarez was bouncing up and down in the background with a grin on his face and LRosL roaming about bouncing people off her bod. I wonder how much coffee sales went up on Calle Ocho last week?
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