And, if that weren’t enough, they have put out a competing petition that is very confusing. Half of my friends have signed it thinking they are doing a good thing.
Between the Urban Development Boundary assault, FP&L with the two new nukes, the lack of morality/ethics pervading Miami-Dade --and no one really addressing any of it-- I guess I am really, REALLY angry right now...and it is showing in my posts isn’t it? Do you want to make me happier? Send the petition in your Christmas cards to Floridians and include a stamped, addressed envelope to HTD.
P.S. What about Lennar and Dr. Harold Wanless?
You might think I am happy about Lennar’s fall from profit as reported in the Miami Herald today. I am not. I don’t wish these home builders ill. I just want them to build responsibly. I don’t want them buying land in wetlands and trying to build there. We have zoning for a reason. Developers consider changes in zoning as their right. I object to that. And, speaking of wetlands:
Read Fred Grimm report on Wanless testimony: Miami 2050: You'll really need that boat then return to your Christmas shopping as usual.
I am not happy either. Welcome to the club. I will consider the Christmas Card idea. At least one of us can be happy then...
The Fields article was depressing especially when Wanless said that porous limestone would not allow us to build dikes to stem the rising water.
I sent it in (the right one). Am waiting for the calls and visits. Should be fun.
The best way to make sure your petition gets enough signatures is to get A LOT MORE than necessary. Whether its HTD or Marriage Protection or Smaller Class Size for Pregnant Pigs. Sheesh. You have to do this anyway to weed out the non-citizens, the wrong addresses, the snow birds, the non-registered-to-vote. With a big enough cushion, your opponents would be better off beating you at the polls than trying to recall signatures.
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